1736 May 27 (Thursday). At the Convention Dr. Colman preached on 1 Chron. 29.14, in the Old south Meeting House, previous to a Collection for Mr. Cotton and Torrey — gathered about 93£ for ‘em both. <Word crossed out.> I dined at Dr. Sewals[1] — exceeding well entertain’d. Visited [Madam?] Lowel[2] of Newbury at Mr. [Ben Garden’s?]. Rode to Cambridge at Eve.
[1]Joseph Sewall (1688-17690, Harvard 1707, minister of Boston’s Old South Church; SHG, 5:376-93.
[2]Sarah Lowell, dau. of Noah and Sarah (Tunnell) Champney, who mar. John Lowell (1704-1767), Harvard 1721, minister of the Third Church of Newbury (First Church of Newburyport), 1726-1767; SHG, 6:496-502.