1736 May 26 (Wednesday). I rode to Boston. Capt. Durant of Newton overtook me. My Honored Mother (whom I purposed to have waited upon to Westborough [this?] week) had been very bad of the Gout, and continues in great Pain, and is very much confined with her Lameness. Mr. Holyoke,[1] of Marblehead preached from Neh. 7.2.[2] Both the Sermon and the Oratorial Delivery much applauded. I Din’d at Brother Alexander’s with the Family. In the middst of this Days Joys my Heart is sorrowfull. The Circle of Brothers and Wives through Divine Goodness and forbearance unbroken from the Time of Setting up these Dinners, <word crossed out> till the Awfull breach where I stand. We now sing of Mercy and Judgment.[3] I was at the Convention a little while. Mr. Cotton[4] and Mr. Torrey[5] (of Providence and South Kingston) the Subject of the Discourse. At Mr. Fennels shop — went over to Charleston in the Eve to Mrs. Gibbs’s, with Mr. Prentice of Grafton. Mr. Bows, Mr. Solomon Prentice and I lodged at Brother Samuel Parkman’s. Mr. Prentice with me. Hot weather.
[1]Edward Holyoke (1689-1769), Harvard 1705, minister of Marblehead, 1716-1737, ninth president of Harvard, 1737-1769; SHG, 5:265-78
[2]Edward Holyoke, Integrity and Religion…a Sermon Preach’d before…His Majesty…on the Anniversary for the Election of Councillors, May 26, 1736… (Boston, 1736).
[3]Psalm 101:1, “I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O Lord, will I sing.”
[4]Josiah Cotton (1703-80), Harvard 1722, minister at Providence, R.I., 1728-1747, at Woburn, 1747-1756, and at Sandown, N.H., 1758-1780; SHG, 7:50-56.
[5]Joseph Torrey (1701-1791), Harvard 1728, minister of South Kingston, R.I., 1732-1791; SHG, 8:498-507.