February 18, 1728

1728 February 18 (Sunday).  Mr. Appleton a.m. on Eccl. 7.2 for That is the End of all men.  I preach’d p.m. from Acts 24.16.  Supp’d at Mr. Appletons.  Mr. Marston Gibs and Fitch[1] of Piscataqua there, and afterwards Mr. Remington,[2] Mr. Wigglesworth[3] and Sir Rogers.[4]  I return’d to Father Champney’s at nine.

[1]John Fitch (Harvard 1728) of Portsmouth, N. H.  The son of the Reverend Jabez Fitch.  Sibley, VIII, 426-427.

[2]Jonathan Remington (Harvard 1696), Tutor at Harvard College, a judge, and Councillor of the Province.  Sibley, IV, 300-303.

[3]Edward Wigglesworth (Harvard 1710), Professor at Harvard College.  Sibley, V, 546-555.

[4]John Rogers (Harvard 1728).  Sibley, VIII, 480-481.