1728 February 11 (Sunday). I preach’d upon Isaiah 1.4 a. and p.m. After the Exercises Sister Lydia rode with me to see Mr. Shattuck, Found him living and that appear’d to be all. Scarcely speaking but manifesting great ground of hope through almighty grace of God thro’ the merits of Christ. We thought he began to Change. We pray’d recomending him to God and his family to the Divine grace and protection in as brief an address as posible. I took my last leave. Returning Sister Lydia fell from the horse but more surpriz’d than dammag’d. At our house was Mr. Bows[1] who had preach’d at Southborough on the Day past.
[1]Nicholas Bowes (Harvard 1725), later the first minister of Bedford, 1730-1754. Sibley, VII, 455-457.