July 14, 1766

1766 July 14 (Monday).  I undertook my Journey to Boston.  Went Sudbury way.  Called at Cyprian Hows who has marryed Miss Molly Williams of Marlborough.  Dined at Mr. Josiah Bridge’s at Sudbury and now first saw him and his Wife at their own House.  Rev. Mr. Hedge of Warwick[1] dined there also.  He is my Company to Roxbury.  Lodged at Brother Samuels.  Horse kept at Mellikins at the Green Dragon.  Town Met to give Instructions to the Representative, but adjourned.  However, they chose Col. Ward [Esq.?] Representative.

[1]Lemuel Hedge (1734-1777), Harvard 1759; SHG 14:437-42.