October 4, 1739

1739 October 4 (Thursday).  Mr. Dorr, etc. rode away, and my Daughter Molly, Single on her Horse rode with them, Mr. Weld carrying my Niece Elizabeth behind him.  At Evening, Mr. Weld, Eliza, and Molly return’d, having been to Grafton.  Major Keys[1] din’d with us, and Mrs. Miles [2] of Concord.  P.M. John Oake,[3] James Geoffrey, James Eager and Samuel Allen[4] gather’d that part of the Corn by the old House and with Jotham[5] and Stephen Maynard and Noah How husk’d it out in the Evening.  N.B. Abial Allen help’d us these Two or Three Days but to Day went home, and Lydia Harrington came to serve us a Day or Two.  John Oake lodg’d here in order to his Working tomorrow.  Mr. Weld Lodg’d here.

[1]John Keyes of Shrewsbury.

[2]Wife of Deacon Samuel Miles.

[3]Son of Nathaniel Oakes of Marlborough.  Hudson, Marlborough, 426.

[4]Son of Ephraim Allen of Westborough.

[5]Son of David Maynard.

October 16, 1739

1739 October 16 (Tuesday).  Mr. Knowlton at Work here.  Very Rainy forenoon.  Mr. Cushing din’d with us.  P.M. it held up and we rode to Association at Southborough.  At Eve Mr. Fisk[1] of Killingly came.  N.B. Mr. Cabot there before detain’d by the Storm.  See Association Records.  I lodg’d with Mr. Cushing at Ensign Brighams.

[1]Rev. John Fiske (HC 1702), first minister of Killingly, Conn.,1715-1741.  SHG, 5:144-47.

October 18, 1739

1739 October 18 (Thursday).  Several Nei[gh]bours on the South side of Town Mr. Bowman,[1] Stone,[2] Martin Pratt, Beriah Rice,[3] Jonathan Forbes, and Phinehas Walker, Dan Hardy, came and gather’d my Corn.  Molly Wright[4] came to wash for my Wife.

[1]James Bowman.

[2]Daniel Stone.

[3]Son of Edmund Rice, an original settler.

[4]Mary, daughter of Edward Wright of Framingham.  Temple, Framingham, 755.

October 23, 1739

1739 October 23 (Tuesday).  Mr. Bridgham and Mr. Wyman[1] here.  Mr. Williams brought home 6 Barrells more of Cyder.  I had design’d to go to Boston but So much Business prohibited it.  Mr. Samuel Harrington brought me his Horse for my Journey, and greatly assisted me in getting down Cyder, etc.  Boil’d Two Barrells of Cyder into one.  Neighbor Maynards, Whipples, Forbushs etc. Lads Husking.  N.B. I made up Accounts with Ensign Maynard.

[1]Rev. Ebenezer Wyman (HC 1731), minister at Union, Conn., 1738-1746.  SHG 9:116-17.

October 26, 1739

1739 October 26 (Friday).  Rode to Mr. Tainters[1] and Browns[2] at Waterton.  Met Mr. Francis Bowman and Mr. Samuel Harrington.  Din’d at Mr. Strattons of Waltham.  Bargained with Mr. Bowman for his Mare.  Rode home with Mr. Harrington and a Considerable Company of Neighbors, etc.  Ensign Forbush, etc.  We rode over the new Bridge.  Not well at Wards, but held up home between 10 and 11 at Night.

[1]Capt. John Tainter of Watertown, brother of Deacon Simon Tainter of Westborough.

[2]Deacon William Brown, a prominent resident of Waltham.

October 29, 1739

1739 October 29 (Monday).  Abroad in the forenoon, but in pain, chiefly in my left Hip and Groin.  Dr. Gott occasionally here.  P.M. could not walk.  At Eve my pains exceedingly increas’d.  Neighbor How came and got my bed down into the lower room, and lifted me on to it.  All night in great pain.  My Wife got up twice.  Took Flower of Brimstone, which purged Me.

November 1, 1739

1739 November 1 (Thursday).  Dr. Gott came — judg’d I am taken with an high Inflammatory Rhumatism.  Bled me in the right arm — insisted upon my taking my Turbith if diminished.  N.B. It work’d 5 times up, and 30 or 40 Times downward.  Nathan Maynard[1] was Sent for the Doctor but he did not come, but Sent a Plaister, etc.  Nathan Maynard and Bekky Hicks[2] watch’d.  Ensign Maynard getting wood for me.

[1]Son of David Maynard, one of the neighbors.

[2]Rebecca, daughter of John and Rebecca Hicks.

November 6, 1739

1739 November 6 (Tuesday).  Doctor came.  Found me with a very bad Sore Throat, my Head on the back part great disorder’d — tottering and pained — Yet he judg’d I was better, and did not bleed me.  Mr. Stone visited me and pray’d with us.  Several of my Nei[gh]bours here.  My Head grew worse and those Disorders were very troublesome.  But I had some good Rest nevertheless.  Samuel Baker[1] and Molly Lee watch’d.

[1]Son of Edward Baker, an original settler.

November 7, 1739

1739 November 7 (Wednesday).  In the Morning My Fever was much Worse, and p.m. the Use of my Right Hand (which hitherto I have been favor’d with when every other Limb was disenabled) was taken away, but through Gods Mercy to me my Left grew better.  About 9 at Night my Stomach grew very full of pain.  I lay Striving for Breath all Night.  Mr. Whipple watch’d.