April 12, 1739

1739 April 12 (Thursday).  Jotham Maynard work’d another half Day.  Powder hill on Blaze, in a dry Time and an high Wind.  The Fire broke out of Brother Hicks’s Ground and burnt me up all the Fence upon the South and the north and north East, although the wind was very strong at South and south West.  I preach’d the Lecture on Rev. 3.1 latter part.  N.B. Mr. Tainter brought up from Cambridge a 3 year old Heifer which I bought of Brother Champney for 10£.

April 15, 1739

1739 April 15 (Sunday).  Sacrament.  Preach’d on Mat. 22.12.  O that I had the Wedding Garment of a prepared soul to wait upon my Dear and blessed saviour in!  O that his own Righteousness might cover me that the Shame of my Spiritual Nakedness might not appear!  P.M. by means of my many avocations and Labours I was prevented Composing another Discourse, and therefor I repeated to page 7 of Sermon on Ps. 116.12.

April 16, 1739

1739 April 16 (Monday).  Abiel Allen having tarried over night, wash’d and did other heavy Business for my Wife.  N.B. Robert Bradish came and acknowledg’d his ill Conduct and Expressions at Two particular Seasons when he was with me as particularly in my House on October [blank] past, and on March 30, last at Evening and I forgave him and was reconcil’d to him.  This I bless God for, it having been an Article which I had much requested.  Fine weather — ploughing.  N.B. Hicks carry’d his Daughter Hannah to Cambridge.

April 23, 1739

1739 April 23 (Monday).  Visited Neighbor Isaac Tomlin junior, he being in a very languishing Condition.  I had Neighbor Seth Rice’s Colt to ride upon from his House.  N.B. Captain Eager[1] from Court gave advice to Neighbor Rice[2] to go down to Boston to Confer with Two men who had been Captivated from Groton when they were but Ladds and had dwelt with the Indians ever since, whose English names were Tarbell[3] — Captain Kellogg[4] being likewise at Boston who was ready to serve them as an interpreter.

[1]James Eager of Westborough.

[2]Asher Rice, who had also been a captive of the Indians.

[3]See Samuel A. Green, Groton During the Indian Wars (Groton, 1883), 116-20.

[4]Joseph Kellogg.

April 25, 1739

1739 April 25 (Wednesday).  I walk’d to Mr. Noah Rice’s[1] to visit his wife, being under long Confinement and weakness, very discourag’d and Melancholly.  Continued my walk over to Mr. Tainters who had kept my Horse Sometime, and so rode back.  Call’d at Mr. Jonah Warrins.  N.B. Mr. John Pratt moving his Family to a new place by Mr. James Fays.  N.B. Mr. Peter Butler was at our House.  N.B. John Hicks junior help’d John Kidney in Carting out Muck.  Planted Peas, New Haven Squashes, etc. in the garden and sow’d various seeds.

[1]Son of Thomas Rice, an original settler of Westborough.

April 26, 1739

1739 April 26 (Thursday).  Neighbor John Rogers help’d in Carting out muck.  N.B. Brother Hicks lost his Black Ox.  Divers went to look for him up — found him dead in the mire of the Meadow on the North West End of the Great Pond.  My Wife rode to Marlborough.  N.B. Neighbor Seth Rice came up from Boston where he had Conference with the Tarbells of Groton and with Captain Kellogg upon the Affair of his Brethrens coming down from Canada.  N.B. He brought my wife some Honey Suckle Roots (for Vines for the Front Door) from Madame Lucy Dudley of Roxbury.

May 7, 1739

1739 May 7 (Monday).  We furrow’d the further piece of the north field and planted the most of it till the Rain increas’d so much that we were oblig’d to desist.  N.B. Sent for my Horse from Mr. Jacob Amsdens.  N.B. Mr. William Nurse brought me a fine Pigg of Two Months old and receiv’d only 2/6 (which was Scarcely a Quarter Price) for it.  N.B. receiv’d also a Pig of a Month old from Brother Hicks.  At Night the Storm prevail’d greatly.

May 14, 1739

1739 May 14 (Monday).  Warm and pleasant.  Sow’d our Flax.  I walk’d down to see Mrs. Townsend[1] and went as far as Mrs. Byles’s and borrow’d her Horse for my Wife to ride to Hopkinton, whither we went and din’d there and return’d in Safety at Evening.  Mr. Barrett was walking about with great Currency but in an ill Habit.

[1]Mercy, wife of Joshua Townsend, schoolmaster of Westborough.

May 16, 1739

1739 May 16 (Wednesday).  Very Hot.  Mr. Edward Barns[1] marry’d to the widow Grace Rice.[2]  I walk’d to Deacon Tomlins[3] with Captain Forbush.[4]  N.B. Talk with Deacon about his Children, who had been guilty of fornication.[5]

[1]Of Marlborough, where he and his wife continued to live.

[2]Of Westborough.  Widow of Simon Rice.  Hudson, Marlborough, 315.

[3]Isaac Tomlin.

[4]Samuel Forbush of Westborough.

[5]Timothy Fay and Lydia Tomlin (or Tomblin) were married April 30, 1738.  The following entry appears in the Westborough church records, February 30, 1740: “Timothy Fay and Lydia his wife offered their public Humiliations for their committing the sin of Fornication and were restor’d to Charity.”