September 13, 1738

1738 September 13 (Wednesday).  Being the Day of their Commencement I attended at College and at the Meeting House.  Mr. Gay[1] of Hingham, Mr. Storer[2] of Waterton, Mr. Pemberton[3] of New York, Mr. Smith[4] of Weymouth, and Mr. John Hunt[5] preacher, were there.  N.B. Mr. Dickerson[6] of Elizabeth Town — divers Clergymen of the Church of England, especially Mr. Johnson[7] and Wetmore.[8]  N.B. Mr. Elmer[9] of Cohanzy.  N.B. Mr. John Barrett and Mr. Benjamin Gerrish, Merchants of Boston, there.  I din’d in the Hall.  The Exercises and Entertainments handsome and agreeable, and especially the Valedictory Oration.  The Company was not very numerous.  The Custom of giving Diploma at the time of giving the Degree is most fit and proper in my Eye and what I could wish our College would come into.

[1]Reverend Ebenezer Gay (Harvard 1714), minister of Hingham, Mass., 1717-1787.  Sibley, VI, 59-66.

[2]Reverend Seth Storer (Harvard 1720), minister of Watertown, Mass., 1724-1774.  Sibley, VI, 412-414.

[3]Reverend Ebenezer Pemberton (Harvard 1721), minister of the Presbyterian Church, New York City, 1727-1753.  Sibley, VI, 535-546.

[4]Reverend William Smith (Harvard 1725), minister of the First Congregational Church of Weymouth, Mass., 1734-1783.  Reverend Smith’s daughter, Abigail, became the wife of President John Adams.  Sibley, VII, 588-591.

[5](Harvard 1734), of Watertown, Mass.  He preached at Dedham and at Bellington, but in 1740 became a merchant at Watertown.  Sibley, IX, 414-418.

[6]Reverend Jonathan Dickinson (Yale 1706), minister of Elizabethtown (Union), New Jersey,1709-1747, and later President of Princeton College.  Dexter, 45-52.

[7]Reverend Samuel Johnson (Yale 1714), minister of Christ Church, Episcopal, Stratford, Conn.,1723-1754 and 1764-1772.  He was the first President of King’s (now Columbia) College, 1754-1763.  Dexter, 123-128.

[8]Reverend James Wetmore (Yale 1714), minister of Christ Church, Rye, New York, 1726-1760.  Dexter, pp. 133-138.

[9]Daniel Elmer (Yale 1713).  Formerly of Westborough, Mass., and at this time minister of the church of Christ of Cohansey, Fairfield, New Jersey, 1727-1755.  Dexter, pp. 110-111.

September 15, 1738

1738 September 15 (Friday).  We (Scil. Mrs. Pierpont, my wife and I) din’d at Mr. Noyes’s.[1]  N.B. Mr. Edwards[2] of North Hampton with us.  P.M. Mr. Noyes, Mr. Edwards and I visited Mr. Isaac Dickerman,[3] a middle Batchelour, who was in a Languishment.  Visited Mr. Daniel Edwards[4] — the Rector — and went into the Library — still with Mr. Jonathan Edwards.  Mr. Woodbridge accompany’d us home to Mrs. Pierpoints.  I was much indispos’d although I kept about, and was in Variety of Company, but especially I was very uncomfortable in the Evening and through the Night.

[1]Reverend Joseph Noyes (Yale 1709), minister at New Haven, 1715-1761.  Dexter pp. 85-89.

[2]Reverend Jonathan Edwards (Yale 1720), the great divine of Northampton, Mass., and later President of Princeton College.

[3](Yale 1736).  Dexter, p. 558.

[4](Yale 1720).  Dexter, pp. 216-217.

September 16, 1738

1738 September 16 (Saturday).  Mr. Edwards of North Hampton came to see me and walk with me to College, which I attempted although I was not well.  Mr. Woodbridge[1] conducted us into the Library and I Spent Several Hours diligently in viewing the Books.  A most Curious and Costly Collection.  Din’d at Old Madame Pierponts.  P.M. I return’d to the Library again.  At Mr. Noyes’s.  I was very feeble, and my stomach deprav’d.  Return’d to my Lodging before Night.  N.B. Sarah Cunnabel another Fit.

[1]Probably Timothy Woodbridge, Jr., tutor at Yale College.

September 17, 1738

1738 September 17 (Sunday).  Too much indispos’d still for my public Service, yet was oblig’d to try.  Mr. Hunt preach’d a.m. on Tit. 3.2.  I din’d at Mr. Noyes’s.  N.B. I left my Bible at Home when I went to meeting p.m.  I hastily fetch’d it.  Mr. Noyes pray’d.  I preach’d on Job 19.25. Supp’d at Mr. Noyes’s.  N.B. Old Mr. Warham Mather,[1] the Rector and Mr. Daniel Edwards there after Supper.  Walk’d to Mr. Prouts[2] where we were very kindly receiv’d.  From thence we retir’d home.  Several very Cool Nights.

[1](Harvard 1685), sometime preacher and teacher, and Judge of the Probate Court at New Haven, 1716-1727.  Sibley, III, 319-320.

[2]John Prout (Yale 1708), a merchant of New Haven and Treasurer of Yale College.  Dexter, pp. 76-77.

September 18, 1738

1738 September 18 (Monday).  Mr. Prout, his Lady and Daughter, Mr. Hunt and Sister, and Mr. Pomroy, all came in to see us at going off.  Mr. Hezekiah Pierpont[1] came and waited upon Mrs. Pierpont Some Miles with us.  I rode up to College and to the Rectors for Mr. Woodbridge who had appointed to go with us, but he did not go.  Mr. Daniel Edwards and Mr. Belden of Norwalk were our Company.  Sorrowful Leave-taking of our Friends.  Mr. Pierpont and Madame his Sister rode as far as Hamesdens and there parted.  We set out from thence at almost noon.  We din’t at Halls[2] in Merrydan, a Corner of Farmington (as I remember) at 3/4 after one.  Set out again just an Hour after.  Stopp’d at Beckleys.  Mr. Thomas Goodwin,[3] late of Boston, now of Weathersfield, in Company.  We halted at Mr. Goodwins at Weathersfield, and then though weary’d and tir’d we stood it out to Mr. Secretary Wyllys’s in Hartford, and there were friendly receiv’d and lodg’d that Night.  N.B. The Ancient Pedigree of Wyllys.

[1]The youngest son of the Reverend James Pierpont of New Haven.

[2]Reverend Theophilus Hall (Yale 1727), first minister of Meriden, Conn., 1728-1767.  Dexter, pp. 352-353.

[3](Harvard 1725).  Sibley, VII, 517-S18.

September 19, 1738

1738 September 19 (Tuesday).  In great Doubt in the Morning about prosecuting our Journey being it was so lowery — but Mr. Edwards being waiting, we mounted from Mr. Austins in order to go to Windham; but the rain prevail’d so much that we bid farewell to Mr. Edwards, who being Clerk of the Court was oblig’d to go, and we return’d to Mr. Austins  and spent the Day.  P.M. Mr. Ellery’s[1] Musick.  At Eve Mr. Ellery and I visited Mr. Whitman and Mr. Wyllys.  We Lodg’d at Mr. Austins.

[1]John Ellery (Harvard 1732), originally of Boston, was a prominent merchant of Hartford.  Sibley, IX, 148-150

September 20, 1738

1738 September 20 (Wednesday).  In the Morning Mr. Ellerys little sons was Scall’d with hot Chocolat, which as it put every one into great affliction it much retarded us and prevent’d our journeying Early.  Mr. Wyllys and Mr. Ellery were so good as to ride with us.  N.B. One of our Horses blunder’d overboard of the Ferry Boat, wet the Sidesaddle etc., but we receiv’d not much more Damage than the Hindrance to our Journey thereby.  N.B. Our Great Suspence whether we Should ride Springfield Road again or to Windham.  One Mr. Stebbins was going to Springfield.  Many Arguments were us’d against Bolton and Ashford Road, but most of all my Wife’s Circumstances prevail’d to go Springfield way.  Mr. Willys and Mr. Ellery accompany’d us as far as Grants[1] Tavern, where we din’d, oated etc. and all at their Expence.  At almost 3 p.m. we took leave of those Gentlemen, mounted from Grants.  Call’d at Mr. Reynolds’s[2] in Enfield.  Continued on to Long Meadow where we overtook Dr. Pyncheon.  Arriv’d at Mr. Brecks a little before Day Light down, nor were we so overtir’d as at some other Times.

[1]Ebenezer Grant (Yale 1726), a leading merchant and inn-keeper in the East parish of Windsor (now East Windsor).  Dexter, p. 328.

[2]Reverend Peter Reynolds (Harvard 1720), minister of Enfield, Conn., 1724-1768.  Sibley, VI, 396-399.

September 22, 1738

1738 September 22 (Friday).  We set out early from Brookfield.  Saw nothing of Mr. Bliss at Richardsons as was appointed though we tarried some while there.  Din’d at Mr. Goddards’s[1] at Leicester (whose wife had lately been deliver’d of a son).  He set out with us for Worcester.  Met Mr. Abijah Bruce of Westborough on the Road.  Call’d at Mr. Burrs[2] and at Mr. Cushings.  Got home in Safety and found all Things well and in Prosperity.  Moss[3] went off the Monday morning after we departed.  Blessed be the Lord who hath smil’d on our going out and returning Home, who hath been our Shade upon our Right Hand and preserved us and ours from all Evil.  To His Name be Glory from henceforth and forever!

[1]Reverend David Goddard (Harvard 1731), second minister of Leicester, Mass., 1716- I754. Sibley, IX, 40-43.

[2]Reverend Isaac Burr of Worcester.

[3]Abraham Moss, Parkman’s hired man.

September 27, 1738

1738 September 27 (Wednesday).  Rainy again, and continued all Day very Wett.  Arbitrators of the Affair between old Mr. Maynard[1] and Brother Hicks met today.  Scil. Colonel Wards[2] of Southborough, Captain Williams[3] of Marlborough, and Captain Eager[4] of Westborough.

[1]David Maynard.

[2]William Ward, justice of the peace and holder of several town offices,

[3]Abraham Williams, Parkman’s brother-in-law.

[4]James Eager.

September 28, 1738

1738 September 28 (Thursday).  Rainy Still.  Old Mr. Maynard came and requested me to go over to his son in laws, Nathaniel Oakes[1] to see their Young Child.  P.M. It held up.  I went over with him.  The Child was thought to be in great Danger of Death.  They requested that I would baptize it.  They sent about to the Neighbours to come in.  There came upward of 20 persons, and I baptiz’d it by the name of Ebenezer.  After that Exercise I rode up to Lieutenant Holloways,[2] visited Silas and Timothy Fay, and call’d at Captain Eagers at Evening.

[1]Nathaniel Oak married Keziah Maynard, June 7, 1736.

[2]William Holloway of Westborough.

October 3, 1738

1738 October 3 (Tuesday).  Expecting Moss for his Money, I rode to Mr. Joslins to provide it for him.  When I return’d home Colonel Richard Saltonstall[1] was at my House upon his Journey from Springfield Court.  N.B. Mrs. Eager, Mrs. Holloway, and Mrs. Wheeler to visit my wife.  At Evening having rode with Judge Saltonstall to See him well out of Town, I visited Mr. James Maynard again and those Two of his Children which were Still very Bad.  N.B. John Rogers carted me 500 Bricks from Pelatiah Rice’s.

[1](Harvard 1722).  Sibley, VII, 117-121.

October 5, 1738

1738 October 5 (Thursday).  Old Mr. Maynard Winnow’d 12 Bushels and nigh 3 Pecks of Rice [sic] for me.  N.B. Mr. Pannel had winnow’d 2 Bushels before.  Susan Cutting rode to Shrewsbury.  At Eve rode to Mr. Grouts[1] where I Supp’d.  Mr. Tainter and his wife, etc. there.  N.B. Mrs. Tainters high Disgust at our Dining the Sabbath before last in the Kitchen — She surmizing that it was done with design to keep People from coming to warm themselves, which had not entered into our Thoughts, but was done because the House was Cold by the Storm and we had no fire in the Dining Room.  At Winchesters[2] and at old Mr. Samuel Fays.[3]

[1]Joseph Grout, selectman of Westborough.

[2]Benjamin Winchester of Westborough.

[3]An original settler of Westborough.

October 9, 1738

1738 October 9 (Monday).  All the officers met together at Ensign Maynards upon the Affair of a Regemental Muster.  Mr. Prentice[1] of Grafton, Mr. Cook,[2] preacher at Marlborough, Dr. Gott, etc., were here.  Town Meeting by adjournment to See what Should be done about a Meeting House.  Dissolv’d.  Divers Neighbours kindly help’d David Baverick (who wrought for me to Day) in Cutting up my Corn and carting it into the Barn.  N.B. Noah How help’d David a.m. in carting in stalks, and Noah and his Brother Daniel[3] carted my Apples to their Mill.  At Night 10 or a Dozen young men and Lads Husk’d part of my Corn.

[1]Reverend Solomon Prentice.

[2]Samuel Cooke (Harvard 1735), later minister of the First Congregational Church of Arlington, Mass.  Sibley, IX, 500-508.

[3]Sons of Parkman’s neighbor, Hezekiah How.

October 10, 1738

1738 October 10 (Tuesday).  Rain’d hard in the morning.  P.M. it ceas’d and then I rode to the Southermost Houses towards Hopkinton.  Supp’d at old Mr. Graves’s.[1]  N.B. Colonel Ward,[2] Captain Williams and Captain Eager, Arbitrators upon Mr. Maynards and Hicks’s Difference.  They brought in to Hicks’s Dissatisfaction.

[1]John Graves of Westborough.

[2]Nahum Ward of Shrewsbury.

October 12, 1738

1738 October 12 (Thursday).  Receiv’d Three Barrells of My own Cyder from Mr. How’s Mill, and 4 More of Mr. Whitney[1] which I bought for 11 shillings per Barrell.  Mr. Prentice of Grafton and Mr. Samuel Cook came and din’d with me.  Mr. Cook preach’d on 1 Cor. 6, ult.  Church meeting after Lecture on the Affairs of Mr. Samuel Fay, etc., and Concerning the Fragments after the Lords Supper, and concerning Vessels of the Table and a Baptizing on.  Adjourn’d to this Day sennight.  Ebenezer Maynard brought 2 1/2 Barrells more of my Cyder from Mr. How’s.

[1]Nathaniel Whitney, a selectman of Westborough.