1738 October 12 (Thursday). Receiv’d Three Barrells of My own Cyder from Mr. How’s Mill, and 4 More of Mr. Whitney[1] which I bought for 11 shillings per Barrell. Mr. Prentice of Grafton and Mr. Samuel Cook came and din’d with me. Mr. Cook preach’d on 1 Cor. 6, ult. Church meeting after Lecture on the Affairs of Mr. Samuel Fay, etc., and Concerning the Fragments after the Lords Supper, and concerning Vessels of the Table and a Baptizing on. Adjourn’d to this Day sennight. Ebenezer Maynard brought 2 1/2 Barrells more of my Cyder from Mr. How’s.
[1]Nathaniel Whitney, a selectman of Westborough.