1738 September 20 (Wednesday). In the Morning Mr. Ellerys little sons was Scall’d with hot Chocolat, which as it put every one into great affliction it much retarded us and prevent’d our journeying Early. Mr. Wyllys and Mr. Ellery were so good as to ride with us. N.B. One of our Horses blunder’d overboard of the Ferry Boat, wet the Sidesaddle etc., but we receiv’d not much more Damage than the Hindrance to our Journey thereby. N.B. Our Great Suspence whether we Should ride Springfield Road again or to Windham. One Mr. Stebbins was going to Springfield. Many Arguments were us’d against Bolton and Ashford Road, but most of all my Wife’s Circumstances prevail’d to go Springfield way. Mr. Willys and Mr. Ellery accompany’d us as far as Grants[1] Tavern, where we din’d, oated etc. and all at their Expence. At almost 3 p.m. we took leave of those Gentlemen, mounted from Grants. Call’d at Mr. Reynolds’s[2] in Enfield. Continued on to Long Meadow where we overtook Dr. Pyncheon. Arriv’d at Mr. Brecks a little before Day Light down, nor were we so overtir’d as at some other Times.
[1]Ebenezer Grant (Yale 1726), a leading merchant and inn-keeper in the East parish of Windsor (now East Windsor). Dexter, p. 328.
[2]Reverend Peter Reynolds (Harvard 1720), minister of Enfield, Conn., 1724-1768. Sibley, VI, 396-399.