February 9, 1727

1727 February 9 (Thursday).  Mr. Willard preach’d my Lecture from Prov. 27.1.  I beseach God to grant this Young Gentlemans Endeavours may [be] [illegible] and accepted.  He has undertaken for nine Sabbaths at Stoney Brook and I pray his Labours there and Everywhere besides may be Succeeded for the great good of many!  After Lecture they went away.  Mr. Jonathan How of Marlborough and Jedidiah How of This Town came to Sing.  Mr. Bradish[1] came to Request my Prayers and Assistance in a Matter grievous and Burthensome to him respecting his Oath of Administrator to an Estate of a Kinswoman of his (when living) of Boston.

[1]James Bradish or Braddish, an original settler of Westborough.

February 12, 1727

1727 February 12 (Sunday).  I was much afraid the Sacrament must have been put by, and Captain Fay[1] mention’d its being So; but provision being made and a Very Considerable number of Communicants present I proceeded though truly it was a Very Severe Season.  I preach’d on 2 John 8, a.m. and on Heb. 3.12, I trust in the Meritts and advocation of Christ, but I’m sure my performances, some of them can recomend Me to God.

[1]John Fay of Westborough.

February 26, 1727

1727 February 26 (Sunday).  In the morning I rode to Shrewsbury and a.m. preach’d on Ps. 95.7; p.m. on Phil. 1.27.  In the Even, Captain Keyes[1] visited me.  I read Mr. Hancocks[2] Ordination Sermon[3] by his Father,[4] and Mr. Ward Clarks[5] by his Father in Law.[6]

[1]Captain John Keyes of Shrewsbury.

[2]Reverend John Hancock (Harvard 1719), minister of First Church of Bramtree (now Quincy), 1726-1744.  He was the father of the patriot John Hancock, first signer of the Declaration of Independence.  Sibley, VI, 316-319.

[3][Additional footnote: John Hancock (1671-1752), A sermon preached at the ordination of Mr. John Hancock [1702-1744]. A.M.: in the North Precinct of Brantree [sic]; Novem. 2. 1726 (Boston: Printed for Thomas Hancock in Ann-Street near the drawbridge, 1726).  Evans 2748.]

[4]Reverend John Hancock (Harvard 1689), minister of Lexington, 1698-1752.  Sibley, III, 429-439.

[5]Reverend Ward Clark (Harvard 1723), minister of First Congregational Church of Kingston, N.H., 1725-1737.  Sibley, VII, 156-158.

[6]Clark’s ordination sermon was by John Odlin (Harvard 1702;, minister of Exeter, N.H.  Odlin was not Clark’s father-in-law, for Clark married Mary Frost, the daughter of Charles Frost of Kittery, Maine.  Sibley, V, 168-172 and VII, 156-158.  [Addition to footnote: John Odlin (1681-1754), Christian courage necessary for a Gospel minister. An ordination sermon preached at Kingston, Sept. 29. 1725. When Mr. Ward Clark was ordained Pastor of the church there (Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1727).  Evans 2939.]

March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1727

1727 March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday).  Notwithstanding the preparations I made for last week yet I proceeded to other.  I preach’d on Phil. 12, a. and p.m.  I rode to Stoney Brook, to Mr. Willard.[1]  With him was Mr. Brintnall.[2]  The last rode with me to Mr. Swifts.  I was design [?] to Boston, but receiving a Letter from my mother by Mr. B. How at Framingham meeting house, I turned back.  I rode to Mr. Hows[3] and lodg’d there.

[1]Samuel Willard, the preacher at the Stoney Brook part of Marlborough.

[2]Reverend William Brintnall of Sudbury.

[3]Probably at the Wayside Inn in Sudbury, kept by David Howe.

March 13, 1727

1727 March 13 (Monday).  My Wife had Designed to go to Boston with me but it was so rainy that she was obliged to give up her intention.  About Eleven it held up and I set out.  I was at Mr. Coles[1] (the shoemaker) where I saw Distracted Mrs. Bowtel.[2]  I got down to Cambridge between 7 and 8.

[1]Probably Samuel Cole of Framingham.

[2]This was perhaps a woman who had married one of the Boutwells of Reading, Mass.  In 1728 Samuel Cole of Framingham married a Sarah Boutwell of Reading.

March 15, 1727

1727 March 15 (Wednesday).  We had very joyfull news from my Brother John.[1]  In the Evening I was at Mr. Greenwoods[2] Lecture which was upon Projectile Motion.  I can’t but Conclude these Exercises by Experiments are the most beneficial as they Reduce all to Sensible Demonstration.  When I return’d I went in with Mr. Greenwood to Dr. Clarks.[3]  At home I saw Captain Willard[4] of Salem.

[1]Parkman’s brother-in-law John Tyley.

[2]Isaac Greenwood, Parkman’s classmate and later first Hollis Professor of Mathematics at Harvard College.

[3]John Clark (Harvard 1687), a physician of Boston.  Professor Greenwood married Clark’s daughter Sarah.  Sibley, III, 375-379.

[4]Josiah Willard.

March 16, 1727

1727 March 16 (Thursday).  Mr. Sewal preach’d the Lecture on John 15.5.  I din’d at Brother Williams.  In the Evening My Sister Susanna was marry’d to Captain Josiah Willard of Salem by Dr. Mather.[1]  The Ceremony over we Sang Psalm [blank] and the Doctor had many uncommon Observations upon the Concluding words of the psalm and explained Several other Texts in that millenary Scheme.  I must observe here that I had very much Concern upon my Mind lest Every Thing throughout this transaction should not be to the Glory of God, and devout in the Eyes of Men.  But last of all did I Suspect my Self.

[1]Cotton Mather.

March 17, 1727

1727 March 17 (Friday).  My Brother Elias gave me one of Mr. Webbs[1] books on the 4 Last things; and Deacon Henchman[2] gave me the Extraordinary binding.  I visited my friend Mr. John Adams.[3]  In the Evening we had much more Company than I thought of.  Mr. Secretary Willard,[4] our Cousens, Mrs. Sarah Porter and her Sister, Mrs. Dorcas Bows,[5] etc., etc.  I have grievously and Sadly reflected upon my Levity this Evening.  I am very much afraid that in the Eyes of Some of the Company my Demeanour was not altogether becoming.  But there was nothing criminal in my Conduct with one that considers what a time of Joy it was with us.  However I think I might have spent more time with the graver people, especially have improv’d the opportunity of acquainting my Self better with the Secretary and perhaps it had not been to my Disadvantage.

[1]Reverend John Webb of Boston.  The work was Practical Discourses on Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell. In Twenty-four Sermons (Boston, 1726)

[2]Daniel Henchman, publisher and bookseller in Boston.

[3](Harvard 1721).  Of Boston.  A classmate of Parkman.

[4]Josiah Willard (Harvard 1698) of Boston, college tutor, preacher, shipmaster and Secretary of the Province.  Sibley, IV, 425-432.

[5]Sarah (Champney) Porter was evidently either a cousin or a niece of Mrs. Dorcas Bowes, who was Mrs. Parkman’s cousin.

March 18, 1727

1727 March 18 (Saturday).  I had additional Trouble by some Discourse my brother Samuel had with me upon the articles of my tarrying no more in Boston when I went down; for it was very stormy weather and I was urgent to return home.  It rain’d till between 10 and 11, when holding up a little I left home, truly with my heart full of Sadness.  Veruntamen in quoquo peccavi, vel mete vel oculo, vel olioquiu Sanguis pratiosus Jesu Mei per totum purgabit!  It was one o’clock (as I remember) when I set out from Cambridge.  I lit upon Mr. Tainter[1] riding up with Hannah Warrin.[2]  I rode to Dr. Bellows of Marlborough, Stoney Brook, where I stop’d, Mr. Willard being gone up to Westborough.  I was not well, or I should have reach’d home, and there was almost Sunrise to have gone by.  I went to Bed not very Well.  I was exceedingly fatigued and very faint.  But what Surprized one very much in the morning Mr. Willard came in — for my wife Expected that if I returned from Boston at all I should reach home though it were 12 at night first.  He soon went back to Westborough and I preach’d at Stoney Brook (the South part of Marlborough) a. and p.m. on Prov. 3.6.  At Even I returned to my own house.  I found all things Comfortable.  Deo Opt. Max. Grates.

[1]Simon Tainter of Westborough.

[2]Mrs. Hannah Warren of Westborough.