1782 March 5 (Tuesday). My Grand son Baldwin goes with me to guide the Sleigh to Several Familys, viz. to Ensign Fays on consideration of the late Death of their Daughter Mrs. Rhoda Maynard: and the sorrowful Fall of their Daughter Abigail, who was lately brought to Bed, though she had no Husband. Thence to Mr. Jonathan Childs. Thence to Mr. Levi Whitneys, where we dined. Thence to Lieutenant Grouts, where was his Brother Joseph. I enquired of him, Why his Sister Adams did not look after her Affair before the Governor and Council? The Answers were but very general and indeterminate. We called at Squire Bakers to See his Wife after her Lying in. Am informed (but no word was mentioned there of it) that last night a Mobbish Rabble burnt nigh Col. Wheelocks an Image which had been carryed about, with great Contempt etc. At Eve Mr. Fish junior at out House, and lodges here.