1782 February 1 (Friday). The Weather is very Cold, but God Sustains us! Dr. Simson of Hopkinton, his Wife and Child, Mr. Marshal of Framingham, and two Young Ladies, Sisters of Mrs. Simson, came in a sleigh and spent part of the Evening with us. N.B. DeFoes Works lent to the Doctor, and he is to Send me the Volume of DeFoe that was Mr. Abby’s.
Month: February 1782
February 2, 1782
1782 February 2 (Saturday). I am engaged in my Preparations, but make slow work by reason of my impaired Sight. Both Suse and Sophy not well. A letter from my son Samuel to Breck informs that his Wife on Jan. 25 bore him a son, which they have called John; may the rich Blessings of the New Covenant be conferred on him!
February 3, 1782
1782 February 3 (Sunday). A Stormy Snowy Day. A thin Congregation. A.M. preached again on Phil. 4.7. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. on Consideration of the abounding of Sin, especially Fornication, I preached on Jer. 8.6, those words, “No man repented” etc. N.B. Mrs. Dolly Rice very ill — prayed for. Mrs. P________ not well — Susa and Sophy much out of Health. All of them Stay at home. Mr. Brigham at Eve Read in Flavel, and prayed.
February 4, 1782
1782 February 4 (Monday). Mrs. Rice being yet alive and the Weather Moderate, p.m. I rode in the sleigh to See her: and prayed with her. I also rode over to see Mrs. Whitney who is in a Weak state; but Mr. Whitney not at home.
February 5, 1782
1782 February 5 (Tuesday). I wrote to Mr. Quincy. Messrs. Brigham, Hazzletine and Elisha Parker are going to Boston to attend upon the General Court who have summoned great Numbers of Witnesses in the Case of Lieutenant Levi Warren against Squire Baker.
February 6, 1782
1782 February 6 (Wednesday). I took the sleigh and Horse, with Billy Spring to drive, and rode to Southborough. I carryed to Mrs. Stone Dr. Owen’s Meditations on the Glorys of Christ — dined there. Borrowed of Mr. Peter Stone, Mr. James Pierce’s 15 sermons. In lieu of which I left the Causes of the Decay etc. When I came back I made a Visit to Capt. Jonas Brigham, who has lost the Sight of one of his Eyes. He received my Visit very kindly.
February 7, 1782
1782 February 7 (Thursday). Messrs. Benjamin Stone and Samuel Crosby junior came in to see me. They inform me that Rev. Mr. Messenger of Ashford is dead. May God graciously prepare me for my own Turn! Mr. Crosby says he’ll come and keep the next sabbath with me.
February 8, 1782
1782 February 8 (Friday). I am full of Concern about the Cause at Court. Some are returned — further hearing put off to next Thursday.
February 9, 1782
1782 February 9 (Saturday). Mr. Brigham came home. He brings me the 9th Volume of Biographical Dictionary from Mr. Cranch. Mr. B. relates the awful Suicide of a young Mr. Gray who has shot himself. We hear of Several other Sudden Deaths — a Mr. Clafflin of Hopkinton killed by a Sleigh. But the most sorrowful is what we hear from New Fane — of this, more hereafter. At Even came Mr. Crosby and lodges here.
February 10, 1782
1782 February 10 (Sunday). Mr. Crosby both prayed and preached a. and p.m. Text a.m. was Heb. 12.1, last Clause. The Text p.m. was Prov. 3.16.17. Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve Mr. Crosby repeated and Mr. Brigham prayed.
February 11, 1782
1782 February 11 (Monday). Dr. Crosby here a.m. looks of my Eye. He [likes?] me not to meddle with it. Young Mr. Crosby dines here. N.B. I committ to him a Spanish Dollar to be delivered to the Widow of the late Mr. Josiah Swan of Leominster. P.M. Paul Knowlton Esq. came to see me, and give me an Account of the late Burning at New Fane (where he lives); and he says, that In the Morning of the 2d of this Month was discovered that the House, and every Thing that was in it, of Mr. Henry Sartel, were reduc’d to Ashes. He, himself, his wife and five Children were burnt; their Bones and the Bones of their Dog were found — and that Rev. Taylor preached an excellent Sermon next day from Luk. which the Hearers will try to get Printed. May God Sanctifie such an awakening Dispensation! Mr. Knowlton informs likewise that Capt. Blackersley [?] of Brattleborough going from New Fane to Bennington, in one of the late Cold Days, perished in the Cold.
February 12, 1782
1782 February 12 (Tuesday). Moses Warrin was here concerning his remove, with his Wife, to Acworth. N.B. They wanted Privileges, but are obliged to go on their Journey before they can wait to be Propounded.
February 13, 1782
1782 February 13 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham and a Number more are going to Boston. Summoned again by Lt. Levi Warrin against Squire Baker. I Sent by [him?] a Letter to my son William — also another to my Son Samuel. A Councill (I hear) is sitting at Oxford, upon Account of Mr. Bowmans Difficultys there.
February 14, 1782
1782 February 14 (Thursday). We Suppose that to day Lt. Warrins Complaint against Squire Baker comes on again. N.B. Two of our Scholars, viz. Josiah Brigham and John Baker, move their Lodgings from our House to Mr. [blank] Bush’s at North Shrewsbury, to be under the Tuition of Mr. Fairbank. Bowman with my Horse, assists them in it. Mrs. P________ has a grievous sore, grown upon the Great Toe of her Left Foot. And the old sore upon her right Leg is still worse. She is much Afflicted.
February 15, 1782
1782 February 15 (Friday). [No entry.]
February 16, 1782
1782 February 16 (Saturday). Mr. Brigham came home p.m.
February 17, 1782
1782 February 17 (Sunday). I went a step further in my Discourse on Rom. 8.1. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Cullock dined here. P.M. on 1 Cor. 6.20. May God graciously add His Blessing! At Eve Mr. B. read Mr. Flavells Fountain of Life, Sermon 27, on Luk. 23.38.
February 18, 1782
1782 February 18 (Monday). A Storm of Snow confines me at home, so that I can’t visit. Especially Ensign Snow who is very low and dangerously ill.
February 19, 1782
1782 February 19 (Tuesday). The Storm continues. My Eyes no better — the Difficulty in Reading I fear increases.
February 20, 1782
1782 February 20 (Wednesday). Cloudy and Snowy still. A Letter from Elias at Northampton in which he still complains of our Neglecting him — that he has had but one Letter from me, which was that of Jan. 8 (or 18th) for Three Months: He is also out of Health. At Eve came my Son William from Concord and brought up his Daughter Suse. N.B. His wife somewhat better, but Lydia is worse — with various Disorders.
February 21, 1782
1782 February 21 (Thursday). William stays to dine with us — leaves Suse and returns home himself. P.M. Mr. Brigham rides with me to Mr. Snow’s, who is very low; conversed and prayed with him. We visit at Mr. Abraham Beemans. Himself not there. Elias’s Letter had filled us with Concern on Account of his being out of Health: But when we arrived at home I found him here, and indifferently well. But Mrs. P________ is much indisposed in Body, as well as lame on both Sides.
February 22, 1782
1782 February 22 (Friday). Squire Baker is not returned from Boston, but Mrs. Baker has this Morning brought forth a son, and is in an hopeful way. N.B. Last night a man belonging to Danvers, one McIntire, attempting to go to the Widow Williams’s across Capt. Maynards Field, was bewildered and in danger of Perishing; but upon repeated hallowing, had Help.
February 23, 1782
1782 February 23 (Saturday). Am Sermonizing but do not finish. Mr. Joseph Cullock is come home.
February 24, 1782
1782 February 24 (Sunday). Preached again on 1 Cor. 6.20 and to day both a. and p.m. O that the Spirit of God might accompany and prosper the Word dispensed! Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Culloch dined here. At Eve Mr. B. read Flavels Fountain etc., Sermon 28. Mrs. P________ still confined from public meeting. Letters from Mr. Cushing. He gives me an Account of a Council lately at Ashby upon Mr. Whitmans Doctrines and Conduct. At Eve Mr. B. Flavell Sermon 28[?].
February 25, 1782
1782 February 25 (Monday). We are an House of Invalids. Yet all of us about House. Mrs. P________ chiefly, by reason of a grievous Pain in her side: she fears a sore is gathering there. Sophy is grievously exercised with Toothach — and has it drawn. Elias is much out of Health. He rides here and there to stir himself. But I am able (through divine Goodness) to read, and am now reading in Biographical Dictionary — Life of Father Paul (Author of the History of the Council of Trent).
February 26, 1782
1782 February 26 (Tuesday). Breck goes to Boston in the Sleigh. I am writing to Mr. West but can’t finish it. Mrs. P________ worse to Day.
February 27, 1782
1782 February 27 (Wednesday). The Funeral of Dr. Balls Wife. Elias goes to attend upon it. May God Sanctifie the Bereavement to the poor Doctor; but newly Snatched from Death himself!
February 28, 1782
1782 February 28 (Thursday). Mr. Thomas Kendal came. His Horse is put up at the Deacons (Woods) — but he lodges here. Elias Seems not well, but rides about. Breck returns from Boston, brings me a Letter from my old Friend Mr. Quincy: But sorrowful News from my Son Samuel, his wife being very ill of a Fever. A Letter from him of her low state. May God most gracious extend Compassion! Benjamin Bowmans Time is out, and he leaves us.