1782 March 1 (Friday). God has supported us through the Winter. To His Name be Glory! A fine warm Day — but a good deal of Snow on the Ground. A Number of Disasters of late by Sleighs etc. Elias sat out for Northampton. Mr. Kendal dined here — as did also Mr. Walker Lyon from Woodstock, who is on his way to Southborough. At Evening Capt. Jonas Brigham and Wife made us a kind Visit. Mr. Crosby came and lodged here. Mrs. P________ has taken Physic, and we hope is somewhat better, but is much confined yet. The Scholars, Jonathan Grout and Abijah Warren tend the Cattle and cut Wood.
Month: March 1782
March 2, 1782
1782 March 2 (Saturday). Mr. Crosby is with us. Cousin Maynard visits her Aunt. They both dine here. P.M. leave us. The former goes to Northborough to preach there. N.B. have received a Letter <from my son Cushing which informs me of a Council of late at Ashbuy concerning Mr. Whitman their Minister>. [Marginal notation: See Feb. 24.]
March 3, 1782
1782 March 3 (Sunday). Preached again, a. and p.m. on Rom. 8.1, latter part. On God alone may we depend for a Blessing which may he graciously grant! Mrs. Maynard dines here. At Eve Mr. Brigham reads Flavell Sermon 29.
March 4, 1782
1782 March 4 (Monday). Town Meeting. Capt. Morse and Mr. Joseph Harrington came with the Request of the Town that I would go and pray with them. Which I complyed with. Lt. Levi Brigham of Fitz-William dined here. William Grout came to live here a while, to tend my Cattle and cutt wood; that he also may learn to Cypher. Isaac Baldwin came from Brookfield and lodges here. His Horse goes to Mr. Eli Whitneys.
March 5, 1782
1782 March 5 (Tuesday). My Grand son Baldwin goes with me to guide the Sleigh to Several Familys, viz. to Ensign Fays on consideration of the late Death of their Daughter Mrs. Rhoda Maynard: and the sorrowful Fall of their Daughter Abigail, who was lately brought to Bed, though she had no Husband. Thence to Mr. Jonathan Childs. Thence to Mr. Levi Whitneys, where we dined. Thence to Lieutenant Grouts, where was his Brother Joseph. I enquired of him, Why his Sister Adams did not look after her Affair before the Governor and Council? The Answers were but very general and indeterminate. We called at Squire Bakers to See his Wife after her Lying in. Am informed (but no word was mentioned there of it) that last night a Mobbish Rabble burnt nigh Col. Wheelocks an Image which had been carryed about, with great Contempt etc. At Eve Mr. Fish junior at out House, and lodges here.
March 6, 1782
1782 March 6 (Wednesday). Mr. Fish goes. Young Mr. Crosby comes — lodges. At night old Mr. Rider, of Shrewsbury, fell from his Horse, and the though long calling for Help, none came for a great While. He was got up to Deacon Woods. N.B. Isaac Baldwin goes to Lt. Grouts to begin his School.
March 7, 1782
1782 March 7 (Thursday). I visit Mr. Rider at Deacon Woods. Mr. Crosby leaves us. Mrs. P________ still poorly — takes physic of Dr. Hawes.
March 8, 1782
1782 March 8 (Friday). My Kinsman Alexander Oliver and Mr. [blank] Potter both of them lately from the Army, came, dined, and left us.
March 9, 1782
1782 March 9 (Saturday). Col. Baldwin came from Boston (via Concord), brings us the sorrowful Tidings that dear Sally, Samuels Wife, departed on the 7th, about one p.m. Col. lodges here.
March 10, 1782
1782 March 10 (Sunday). That the grievous stroke may be duely improved by us, I preached on 2 Cor. 4.17 a. and p.m. My sons Breck and Brigham sat out for Boston after Dinner to dear Sallys Funeral. May God graciously support, direct and assist us all in the Duty of holy Mourning! I repeated part of the Exercises at Even. Isaac Baldwin dined and lodged here. Wrote to Samuel by Brigham etc.
March 11, 1782
1782 March 11 (Monday). Col. Baldwin goes on his Journey home; his son to his school. Mr. Thomas Kenny, and Robert Whiteman Work and dine here. Lt. Levi Warren here and gives me Some Account of his Action against Squire Baker. Capt. Brooks of Grafton here and dines with us. N.B. Wrote to Elias by Col. Baldwin. The Funeral of my late Daughter in Law, is, according to Appointment this Afternoon. Lord make us know our End and the Measure of our Days etc!
March 12, 1782
1782 March 12 (Tuesday). Reading History of American War. Mrs. P________ takes Physic (Squills) of Dr. Hawes — for several Days. At night, 9 o’Clock my Sons Breck and Brigham, return from Boston. They inform me that Sally was buryed in Deacon Greenoughs Tomb.
March 13, 1782
1782 March 13 (Wednesday). I rode into the Neighbourhood. Was at Neighbour Thad Warrins, Col. Wheelocks, Capt. Fishers etc. Mrs. P________ continues not well. William Grout (who lives with us) is out of Health. Rev. Mellen from Cambridge going to Stirling, comes in to See me. Deacon Woods wife visits here.
March 14, 1782
1782 March 14 (Thursday). Wrote to Mr. Walter Lyon at Southborough to come and preach my Lecture this day Sennight (D.V.).
March 15, 1782
1782 March 15 (Friday). Mrs. P________ still drooping. William Grout much unwell, yet is able to tend the Cattle etc. I wrote Letters to my Son Ebenezer at Crom Pond, and to his Sons at West Point.
March 16, 1782
1782 March 16 (Saturday). Mrs. P________ somewhat better, through divine Favour. Col. Brigham here.
March 17, 1782
1782 March 17 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on 1 Cor. 6.20. Master Baldwin dined and lodged here. P.M. on Joh. 7.17. May God graciously add His Blessing! I received a Letter from my Son Ebenezer at Crom Pond. At Eve Mr. Brigham Read Flavells Sermon 30 on Luk. 23.34. N.B. I appointed the Communion and Lecture.
March 18, 1782
1782 March 18 (Monday). Wrote another Letter to my son Ebenezer at Crom Pond and Sent the several Letters by Mr. Joseph McCullock. William Grout is so out of Health, especially with a prevailing bad Cough, that he returns home to his Fathers.
March 19, 1782
1782 March 19 (Tuesday). I went to Mr. Thad Warrins to get him to kill our Piggs. Young Mr. Fish here, and acquaints us with his Northampton Journey. Capt. Morse here in great Warmth about Squire Baker. Squire Baker also came in. He shewed me his Discharge from the Commissary Colt Esq.
March 20, 1782
1782 March 20 (Wednesday). Mr. Thad Warrin and Mr. Nathan Maynard to assist him, came and killed our two remaining Piggs. One weighed 10 score and 3 pound. The Other (which was Mr. Brighams and a month younger) weighed 11 Score and one Pound. Mr. Warrin cut out and Salted down the Pork.
March 21, 1782
1782 March 21 (Thursday). Sacramental Lecture. Mr. Walter Lyon (who came a.m. and dined with us) preached on Mat. 11.28, which may God succeed! Mrs. Maynard here after Meeting at Tea. N.B. Mr. David Fay carrys my Letters to Messrs. West, Moore and Quincy to Boston.
March 22, 1782
1782 March 22 (Friday). Am without Man or Boy. My Son and his Boy take Care of the Barn, and Mr. B. cutts Some of the Wood. I Read part of an Excellent Discourse of the Witness of the Spirit.
March 23, 1782
1782 March 23 (Saturday). Mrs. P________ is through divine Goodness, as I hope, better; but I am very destitute of Help, and am my Self unable to go much abroad. Breck and Brigham take Care of the Barn and Wood.
March 24, 1782
1782 March 24 (Sunday). Sacrament Day. Preached a.m. on 1 Cor. 11.20. Mrs. Maynard and the Widow Mehitable Brigham dined with us. P.M. on John. 14.15. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavel Sermon 31 on Joh. 19.27.
March 25, 1782
1782 March 25 (Monday). Town Meeting partly about Money Matters; and partly to consider a Letter about a County Convention to meet at Worcester on 2d Tuesday in April next.
March 26, 1782
1782 March 26 (Tuesday). Mr. Brigham goes to Worcester to hear the Tryal of the Cause of Rev. Mr. Fairbank of Shrewsbury against Rev. Mr. Morse, his Neighbour for Slander.
March 27, 1782
1782 March 27 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham has hired Daniel Nurse junior to work here a few Days, and he Came to day. Cutts the Wood at the Door. Read Biographical Dictionary.
March 28, 1782
1782 March 28 (Thursday). Enoch Greenwood was married to Mirriam Forbes: and at Evening Asa Forbush to Mehitable Fay. Mr. B. has received Several Letters from Elias, by which he is informed that Mr. Nathan Fisk junior of Brookfield is dead; that our Cousen Whitney of Brookline, Connecticut, has lost their eldest son by the small Pox; but that Robert Breck Esq. has lately had a Seventh son which was baptized Theodore.
March 29, 1782
1782 March 29 (Friday). P.M. came in Mr. John Forbes of Otter Creek: and with him Capt. Fisher, who brought me a Letter (writ by him I Suppose) from Mr. Daniel Adams, Dated to day, to be communicated to the Church. He also bears a Message to me from the Rev. Mr. Sanford of Medway, that he designs to make me a Visit next Tuesday, to remove Some Misapprehensions he supposes I labour under concerning him.
March 30, 1782
1782 March 30 (Saturday). Daniel Nurse is Shelling out Indian Corn.
March 31, 1782
1782 March 31 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Joh. 7.17, which may God Himself vouchsafe to bless! Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. [Mallett?] and Baldwin dined here. P.M. preached on Prov. 4.10. O that Youth especially might Seriously attend hereto! At Eve Mr. B. read Mr. Flavels Sermon 32.