February 11, 1782

1782 February 11 (Monday).  Dr. Crosby here a.m. looks of my Eye.  He [likes?] me not to meddle with it.  Young Mr. Crosby dines here.  N.B. I committ to him a Spanish Dollar to be delivered to the Widow of the late Mr. Josiah Swan of Leominster.  P.M. Paul Knowlton Esq. came to see me, and give me an Account of the late Burning at New Fane (where he lives); and he says, that In the Morning of the 2d of this Month was discovered that the House, and every Thing that was in it, of Mr. Henry Sartel, were reduc’d to Ashes.  He, himself, his wife and five Children were burnt; their Bones and the Bones of their Dog were found — and that Rev. Taylor preached an excellent Sermon next day from Luk. which the Hearers will try to get Printed.  May God Sanctifie such an awakening Dispensation!  Mr. Knowlton informs likewise that Capt. Blackersley [?] of Brattleborough going from New Fane to Bennington, in one of the late Cold Days, perished in the Cold.