January 1, 1782

1782 January 1 (Tuesday).  Blessed be the Lord who is our Great Almighty Preserver and daily, yearly Benefactor!


We assembled into the House of the Lord to pay our Homage and implore divine Benediction, Preservation and Direction.  Mr. Moore began with Adoration, Praise and Prayer.  We Sung Ps. [24?], former part.  Mr. Fish (the Younger) preached on Ps. 126.3.  I prayed after Sermon: and we Sung Ps. 145, the whole of the first part.  After the Blessing the Singers and a Number of the Congregation Stayed — a Number of agreeable Tunes were sung.  May God graciously accept our devout Gratulations!


When I came home I found Dr. Gordon here, being returned thus far from Virginia, having been with the Generals etc.  Doctor lodges here.  Mr. Fish lodges at the Squires, and his Horse is kept there.  Mr. Killbourn (who preachs at Southborough) was with us, but returns to Mrs. Stones.  It was with us, a Time of much Company: some of our young Scholars [here?], favoured us by going home, and took Horses with them to keep.