March 27, 1781

1781 March 27 (Tuesday).  I rode to E. Sudbury to assist in celebrating Obsequies of Rev. Mr. Aaron Smith, who was a very Dear Brother and the Loss we sustain hereby is very great.  The solemnity was at Rev. Mr. Josiah Bridge’s, where I dined.  The others who were Pall-Bearers were Rev. Messrs. Cushing of Waltham, Woodward of Weston, Gleason of West-Sudbury, Newell of Stow: Mr. Stone of Southborough, being not well, was absent.  Mr. Damon (or Deming), a young Preacher, was the Sixth.  The Under Bearers were Six Marlborough Gentlemen, Members of the Church there, and a Number of other members of the Same, walked in order before the Corps.  I prayed before the procession.  May God sanctifie this wide Breach to us all!  but especially to the bereaved Family!  and may we be followers of them that through Faith and Patience inherit the promises!  I thence rode to my Son Williams at Concord and lodged there.