March 2, 1781

1781 March 2 (Friday).  Am entertained with Mr. Haweis Sermons.  I perceive the people are much engaged in procuring Persons to go into the War.  Flander-[Class?] have had Difficulty with James McCullock.  N.B. some Discourse with Mr. William Wood, who makes objection against Infant Baptism.  He has Nine Children living.

March 5, 1781

1781 March 5 (Monday).  Mr. Solomon Miller and his son a.m. only.  P.M. Town Meeting.  Mr. Batherick and Ensign James Miller came to request me to pray with the Town.  I complyed.  May God graciously accept us therein!  Mr. B. Tainter, now of New-Fane, returned with me, and he and Mr. Joseph Harrington also Deacon Hawes dined.  N.B. A French man, who broke Jayl at New-York, going to Newport, here.  His Name Peter Marang, of BourdeauxJosuha Twitchell came about working for me.

March 6, 1781

1781 March 6 (Tuesday).  Adjournment of Town-Meeting.  Col. Cushing here p.m. — wrote my son William particularly about sister Champneys Chest, that Mr. Ripley send money to Mr. Zecharaih Hicks, to pay for it.  N.B. Deacon Hawes takes the Care to deliver it.  Deacon Wood visits me [and?] I talked with him about Joseph Smith etc.

March 8, 1781

1781 March 8 (Thursday).  We were perplexed about one of the Sheep that is lost in the Snow storm.  All our Searching after it is in Vain.  Stephen Maynard brings home Mr. Allens 5 Leggs and 2 Chops of Bacon.  I send to Deacon Hawes Mr. Cranch’s Vol. 5 (F and part of G) of Biographical Dictionary, also a Letter to my Son William and another to Mr. Quincy.

March 9, 1781

1781 March 9 (Friday).  Mr. Brigham (it being fair and pleasant but the snow too deep) undertakes a Journey to Ashburnham and purposes to go to Alexander at Marlborough.  N.B. He carrys to Mr. Cushing his Haweis Sermons.  Mr. Solomon Miller and his son Jacob came to dress Flax, but went home at night.  19 Bundles were broke; 8 1/4 swingled.  Mrs. Hawes and Mrs. Hill visit — and drink Tea.  Letters from Elias.  He writes as if he was uncertain whether he Shall continue there much longer: that Baldwins time is out at Long Meadow, and he has gone home — that Col. Baldwin is come home etc.

March 11, 1781

1781 March 11 (Sunday).  Read Ps. 92.  Preached again on 2 Cor. 10.4.  P.M. read Isa. 4 and delivered part of what I have heretofore preached on Isa. 4, v. 6, last Clause.  May God grant they may be accompanied with that divine Power which may render them mighty to pull down Strong Hold!  Breck at Even read part of Mr. Flavels Discourse on the Mystery of providence on Ps. 57.2.

March 12, 1781

1781 March 12 (Monday).  Wrote to Elias, and to Brother Breck, about Springfield School.  Sent them to Monro’s.  Mr. Solomon Miller swingles 7 1/2 of Flax.  Began about 11 a.m.  His son Jacob and Mr. James Miller and Joshua Twitchell, get out Rails for me out of my Cedar swamp — One Hundred.  They lodge here.  Mr. Elijah Rice of Henneker came to see me: and relates their Troubles about Mr. Jacob Rice.  Towards night came Col. Baldwin and my Grandson Thomas.  A Letter from Ebenezer at Fish-Kill dated Feb.

March 13, 1781

1781 March 13 (Tuesday).  Col. Baldwin and Thomme go Boston.  Mr. Miller again and swingles 8 1/2.  Mr. Thomas Kenny came to dress out Flax.  He himself both breaks and Swingles 8 3/4.  Joshua Twitchell and Jacob Miller, also Mr. James Miller, (all three) went again to the Cedar swamp.  Got out 150.  Benjamin Wood went to the men at the Swamp and got out 30.

March 14, 1781

1781 March 14 (Wednesday).  I walk to Mr. Thaddeus Warrins, to get him to go to the Ministerial Lot to Split out Oake Rails — I passed over to the [blot], who Sent a large Quarter of Beef, weighed 214 also an Hear [blot] weighed 16, and with them an Head.  These I gratefully accepted as fulfilling what he had said of giving me a side of Beef: especially remembering he had not long Since sent me a Number of Pieces of salt Beef, till this Should come.  In returning home I called at Mr. Pierce’s and paid him 30 Dollars for mending my shovel and two Crane Eyes or Hooks.  I went in to Mr. Treasurer Newtons for money, but received none.

March 15, 1781

1781 March 15 (Thursday).  Visited at Mr. Benjamin Fays, One of his Children having fallen into the Fire and burnt both Face and Hands, but is recovering.  Thence to Mr. John Fay’s, whose young Child languishes under a terrible sore at the Navel.  I prayed with them.  Mr. Brigham returned from his Visit to Alexander at Marlborough, New Hampshire.

March 16, 1781

1781 March 16 (Friday).  The sheep that was lost in the late snow storm, was found and her Wool saved.  Mrs. Persis Adams came, and by word of mouth, gave some Reasons why She delayed the Means of Conviction and Reconcilement with her Husband.  The sum was, for substance that She could not get her Affair along because of the Public more urgent Matters, and She had not received the Returns which She expected.  I caused Mr. Adams’s late letter to be read to her.  At Eve Master Fish was here, has finished his School, supped here.

March 18, 1781

1781 March 18 (Sunday).  The abovementioned Letter did so exercise my Mind that it disengaged me from my preparations so that I could not finish them.  I had much in my mind which I could not write.  I thought it best to defer that subject, though it had employed me several days.  I therefore read publickly 1 K. 21 and used what I delivered above 20 Years ago.  Was obliged to stop the Church at noon to read Mr. Adams’s Letter, and an Answer which I had prepared to Send to him yesterday: but thought it safer to read it.  The Church was very unanimous for my Appointing the Communion and had nothing to say or do as the rest of his Letter.  Mrs. Maynard dined here.  P.M. read the latter part of the Chapter and delivered the rest of the Expository Remarks etc.  Which may God bless!  In the Eve Mr. Brigham read in Flavels Mystery of providence.

March 22, 1781

1781 March 22 (Thursday).  I talk’d with Breck and with Mr. Brigham about my devolving the Care of my Husbandry to them.  I committed Squire Bakers Note of Hand for £2000 to Mr. Brigham to provide necessary Household stuff for Sophy.  Mr. Abraham Holland dined here.  I visited Mrs. Lucy Forbush (wife of Ebenezer) on account of the Death of her Brother Mr. Charles Bowker by a Cancer.  N.B. Mr. Belknap has been here about Mr. D. Adams: he wants an Extract from Mr. Adams Letter of Jan. [blank] last, which I gave him.

March 24, 1781

1781 March 24 (Saturday).  Was called to go to Mr. John Fays Child, which is thought to be dying.  Prayed, dined there.  A Number of Northern Neighbours set up a long Frame for stables, on the back of the Meeting House.  Neighbours Nathan Maynard and son, Old Neighbour Hezekiah Pratt and his son Bond, Ben How and Son Warrin, Isaac Parker and Thaddeus Warrin, were there.  Three of them came to me to ask leave.  I went out and gave them Directions, where to place it.

March 25, 1781

1781 March 25 (Sunday).  It was Communion Day.  I preached on 1 Cor. 11.29.[59?].  It was so very Cold that at the Communion I was much chilled and was obliged to be short.  May God graciously accept of us!  Mr. John Fays infant dyed this morning — Capt. Maynard and his Wife dined with us.  P.M. preached on Isa. 55.13.  At Eve Mr. B. reads Mr. Flavell’s Mystery of divine Providence.

March 26, 1781

1781 March 26 (Monday).  Mr. John Fay to desire me to attend the Funeral of his Child tomorrow.  Mr. Amasa Maynard Sent to desire me to attend the Funeral of one of his Children tomorrow.  But, what was obstructive of both a Messenger arrives from E. Sudbury with a Letter from Mr. Bridge informing that his honoured Father Smith expired on yesterday Morning about 7 o’clock, and is to be buryed tomorrow at 3 p.m.  This Sorrowful News caused me to send to those forementioned Neighbours and desiring them to provide otherwise for their Funerals.

March 27, 1781

1781 March 27 (Tuesday).  I rode to E. Sudbury to assist in celebrating Obsequies of Rev. Mr. Aaron Smith, who was a very Dear Brother and the Loss we sustain hereby is very great.  The solemnity was at Rev. Mr. Josiah Bridge’s, where I dined.  The others who were Pall-Bearers were Rev. Messrs. Cushing of Waltham, Woodward of Weston, Gleason of West-Sudbury, Newell of Stow: Mr. Stone of Southborough, being not well, was absent.  Mr. Damon (or Deming), a young Preacher, was the Sixth.  The Under Bearers were Six Marlborough Gentlemen, Members of the Church there, and a Number of other members of the Same, walked in order before the Corps.  I prayed before the procession.  May God sanctifie this wide Breach to us all!  but especially to the bereaved Family!  and may we be followers of them that through Faith and Patience inherit the promises!  I thence rode to my Son Williams at Concord and lodged there.

March 29, 1781

1781 March 29 (Thursday).  Rode to Col. Weeks’, where I was refreshed — and thence to Mr. Stone’s, Southborough; dined there, and preached his Lecture on Heb. 6.12, which may God succeed!  At Eve I arrived safe at Home, Thanks to the Great Preserver!  Elias is here.  He came from Springfield the Day before yesterday — having finished his school there.  He brought me a Letter from Brother Breck.  Mr. Brigham went to Boston.

March 31, 1781

1781 March 31 (Saturday).  I delivered the Money I received from Mr. Ripley for sister Champney to Mr. Nathaniel Carriel of Sutton to be given to Mr. Zechariah Hicks.  At noon Mr. Thomas Kenny goes to work on the Flax again, the small Remainder.  He finishes the whole (being only 3 lb.) in little more than 2 hours.  The whole that he has broke and swingled is 22 lb. for which he asks 66 Dollars — paid him 33.  He went to Breck for the rest.