June 23, 1780

1780 June 23 (Friday).  N.B. have been in uncommon Surprise at Elias’s wanting so large a Sum of Money as was called for to pay his Buttery Bill, which amounts to £321.6.  I gave him 300 Dollars of my own, borrowed of Breck 620, and am obliged to send money for the Degree which must be 30/ hard Money, which at 60 for one (as now the Custom is) comes to 300 Dollars.  These I receive of Breck, and offer him 5 Milled Dollars.  So that I now give Elias 1220 Dollars, and he goes to Cambridge to clear off and finish there.  Lovering goes on his journey to Westfield.  N.B. He gives strange account of several Praeternatural Births lately, and of the Worms destroying the Trees, in his Neighborhood.