1780 June 1 (Thursday). Mr. Cushing Sets out for Ashburnham. I again go to the Meeting House to assist the Towns Men in their making Reply to the Convention at Boston, and Breck is desired to transcribe it for Capt. Fisher to carry with him. A variety of Company interrupts and discomposes me. I read in Biog’r. Dictionary. At Eve Mr. Elias Harding and Thankful Forbes marryed.
Month: June 1780
June 2, 1780
1780 June 2 (Friday). Though it is Friday, I seem obliged to go out and look after my Affairs. My Cattle begin to be unruly. I went to Mr. Isaac Parker’s to see what he would do about working for me instead of his Br. Ephraim, some of whose Time remains to be made up, and to make some Agreement with him to take my Young Oxen to keep. Elias goes to Hopkinton again with Mr. Cushing’s Horse with him for Mrs. Cotton, who comes here at evening. Mr. Hazeltine waits on Miss Nabby Martyn and two of Squire Baker’s Daughters, and Miss Mindwell Brigham who all (of the last) drink Tea here. Dr. Gershom Brigham makes me a visit respecting the Baptism of his new-born Twins. Mrs. Cotton lodges here. I am much prevented studying.
June 3, 1780
1780 June 3 (Saturday). Ensign Snow brings his Dismission from Southborough and desires to be admitted into the Church here. N.B. Frederic Lock who works for me today in moving and setting up a Fence at the Island to make a Lane from the Road to my Pasture, meets with a Disappointment by the unruliness of my Steers, and leaves the Work undone — which prevents my pasturing my Cows there.
June 4, 1780
1780 June 4 (Sunday). Read Zechariah II. Preached a. and p.m. on Luke 16.23 and by divine Help, I accomplished the whole. I humbly ask the Grace and Power of God may be magnifyed in the Awakening of many Souls! In the eve read part of another Sermon of Mr. Flavell’s on Rev. 3.20. N.B. Dr. Hawes has brought me from my son Samuel, Melmoth’s Sublime and beatif. Mr. Ripley of Concord is the Proprietor.
June 5, 1780
1780 June 5 (Monday). Hear that Mr. Henry Quincy is dead! If so, I heartily sympathize with my old Friend, his Father.
June 6, 1780
1780 June 6 (Tuesday). Elias setts out on Breck’s Horse for Cambridge. I gave him to pay his Quarter bills and other Expenses, to be used with the utmost Prudence, Eight hundred Dollars. Mr. William Knight of Boston, Chandler made me a Visit, so did Mr. Grosvenor of Grafton, whom, to my Joy, I now hear, speak with much Audibleness and plainness. They dine with me. After dinner, I rode with Mr. Knight in his Chaise to Mr. Gale’s, and preached there, on Eph. 5.2, those words “As Christ Also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us.” Had to my Grief, but a small Company, but it was chiefly occasioned by his aged Mother’s long Confinement.
June 7, 1780
1780 June 7 (Wednesday). Breck goes to Boston. Rides with Mr. Gale. I wrote to Mrs. P________ by my Son; and by him sent my Watch to Mr. Cranch to be mended. In much perplexity about my Cattle which are missing; nor have they been seen ever since some time Yesterday; late in the day they are brought home. Am reading The Sublime and Beautiful of Scripture. Mr. Jonathan Forbes at Eve. His Heart is Friendly toward me under my Suffering by the depreciations.
June 8, 1780
1780 June 8 (Thursday). Though Things are Dark as to outer Circumstances, yet God is my Refuge. I would beg Grace to hope and trust in Him! Squire Baker came and invites me to the Raising of a Grist Mill and a Saw Mill. I went. The Company was double, but all supped together at Mr. Rider’s. No evil Occurrence befell anyone. D.G. In the latter part of the Day came Mrs. P________ from Boston with various Tidings in her Mouth. First the joyful that Sally was
June 9, 1780
1780 June 9 (Friday). Safely delivered, and had been favoured with a comparatively easy Travel, has a fine fat Daughter, and very like to do well. The praise to God for all His Mercys! But the sorrowful news is from the Harbour of Cape Anne, that Mrs. Forbes departed on Monday night last, in Child bed. She had been delivered of a Dead Child about two Hours before. A sad loss to my poor Son-in-law! The Lord sustain him! and pity the Motherless Children, for there are pritty many of them — hope they will all find Mercy! I am informed that Mr. William Parkman, Grandson of my Brother, lives in the Antient Mansion.
June 10, 1780
1780 June 10 (Saturday). [No entry.]
June 11, 1780
1780 June 11 (Sunday). My son Samuel’s Chaise being here, Breck rides with me to Northborough. I preached there on 2 Cor. 5.1 — a Building of God etc. P.M. on Col. 3.1-2 “Sett your Affections etc.” Mr. Whitney here on being saved by Hope. N.B. The Congregation sung without Reading lineally. I baptized Mary, an infant of William and [blank] Brigham. We each of us returned home at evening. Coll. Cushing has been here to raise Recruits here for the Army at New York.
June 12, 1780
1780 June 12 (Monday). Visited Mr. Simeon Bellows (who was prayed for yesterday), being confined by various Disorders. I dined there, prayed with them. Visited at eight of the houses of that Corner, as far as to Mr. Belknaps. Mr. Elijah Brigham and Sophy rid in Sam’s Chaise to Hopkinton, Visiting Dr. Stimson. They returned here at night.
June 13, 1780
1780 June 13 (Tuesday). Wrote to my son Ebenezer at Head Quarters, Morris Town New Jersie. Was at Deacon Woods. N.B. We discoursed of the late Deacon Tainter’s Legacy of fifty pounds old tenor, to this Church.
June 14, 1780
1780 June 14 (Wednesday). I should have depended upon Mr. Grosvenor to preach for me today, but it was too foul weather. I preached myself on Ps. 63.8 to page 5 and part of the Additions at the bottom continued for several Pages. By Desire of the Deacons the church Stopped: The Business was to Consider of Mr. B. Tainter’s Note of Hand, by which he is bound, to pay the Legacy his Father left. Deacon Bond put it to vote, whether they would do anything about that Note? It went negatively, for there was no Hand lifted up that I saw.
June 15, 1780
1780 June 15 (Thursday). No certain news yet that Charlestown, South Carolina, is taken, but reasons to fear it is, are greatly increased. Sad accounts from the West on Mohawk River. May it please God to extend Pity and Compassion to them, as their case may be and fit us in these parts, for His Sovereign Will! Finish reading Courtney Melmoth’s Sublime and beautiful of Scripture.
June 16, 1780
1780 June 16 (Friday). Mr. Abraham Holland and Miss Crosby visit here. I purchase of him Lord Somers on Government entitled “The Judgment of Kin[gdom]s and Nations concerning the Rights etc. of Kings and the Rights etc. of the People.” I gave Mr. Holland for this eminent Book, Mr. Prince’s Compendium Logical and 3 Pamphlets besides. Mrs. Snow and Mrs. (wife of William) Johnson. The former desires to be propounded for admission etc. Suse goes to her Father’s with a view to Wean her child. Further Alarms — more men called for.
June 17, 1780
1780 June 17 (Saturday). Capt. Fisher returns from Boston: informs that two thirds of the people of this State appear to accept of the Plan and Form of Government which the Convention had drawn up and recommended: That the Convention is Dissolved; and that some very important letters from Congress and from Gen’l Washington had arrived; and recommended most immediate and vigorous Exertions in raising men and furnishing Provisions for the Army. He also brings a Letter from Elias, who writes that as the Conclusion of all Collegiate Exercises was at 3 o’clock the afternoon of the 13th, and no public Performances to be on the 21st as was expected, by reason of the immense Expense of necessarys there, so there is nothing to hinder his returning home on Monday next etc.
June 18, 1780
1780 June 18 (Sunday). Read Ps. 63. Preached on Ps. 63.8. Administered the Lord’s Supper. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Davis dined here. P.M. on Ps. 133.3.
June 19, 1780
1780 June 19 (Monday). Dr. Hawes rides down to Court designing (as I suppose) that Elias shall ride up from Cambridge on his Horse.
June 20, 1780
1780 June 20 (Tuesday). The Association was at my House, but we were only Three. Mr. Stone and Mr. Whitney. They would maintain Order and therefore had a Moderator, who prayed and gave an abstract of an Exercise on Ps. 133. N.B. While we were dining came in Elias from Cambridge. The reason of Mr. Smith’s absence was his very low afflicted State of Body. Perhaps for the same reason his son Bridge, is absent. Mr. Newel Raises an House today, and Mr. Whitney makes Haste back to Northborough to carry Nails for his. Mr. Samuel Thurston here and was examined. Mr. Benj. Tainter and Sons, with their Wives and Children, Goods etc. move from Westborough and try to go towards New Fane.
June 21, 1780
1780 June 21 (Wednesday). Took an Opportunity to reckon with Elias, as to his Expenses. I found there was so great Alteration of Times, Customs and Charges as was very astonishing — especially considering that no alteration was made by the Constable, or the Town as to what is paid to me. Read the Life of the Celebrated Erasmus in Biogr. Dictionary. Rec[eiv]ed a letter from my Son Forbes dated the 6th containing an account of his Wife’s Death. I undertook to write him an answer to it — Great Difficulty in raising Men for the War. Twelve are called for, but 9 obtained: and yet (I hear) Orders are immediately for twelve more.
June 22, 1780
1780 June 22 (Thursday). My wife and Suse ride to her Father’s and to Capt. Jones’s. They bring home little Hannah, who has been Weaning. I walked to visit several Neighbours. Was at Mr. Newton’s, Parker’s, Warrins, Isaac Parkers (where I drank Tea). Davis’s, old Mr. Pratt’s. My Kinsman Lovering here from the Hamlet, and lodged here.
June 23, 1780
1780 June 23 (Friday). N.B. have been in uncommon Surprise at Elias’s wanting so large a Sum of Money as was called for to pay his Buttery Bill, which amounts to £321.6. I gave him 300 Dollars of my own, borrowed of Breck 620, and am obliged to send money for the Degree which must be 30/ hard Money, which at 60 for one (as now the Custom is) comes to 300 Dollars. These I receive of Breck, and offer him 5 Milled Dollars. So that I now give Elias 1220 Dollars, and he goes to Cambridge to clear off and finish there. Lovering goes on his journey to Westfield. N.B. He gives strange account of several Praeternatural Births lately, and of the Worms destroying the Trees, in his Neighborhood.
June 24, 1780
1780 June 24 (Saturday). My son Elias returned home from Cambridge, having now finished at College, taken up my Bond which I gave to Stewart [i.e., Steward] Hastings, on Oct. 1, 1776.
June 25, 1780
1780 June 25 (Sunday). Read Zech 12. Preached on Luke 16, last v. P.M. read Luke 17. Repeated and preached on esp. v. 32. Which may God graciously bless! By Request of Selectmen and commanding Officers, I warned the Company of Soldiers to meet tomorrow morning at 7 o’clock. Mr. Elijah Brigham and Mrs. Susan Snow propounded.
June 26, 1780
1780 June 26 (Monday). The Town met, and the two Companys of Soldiers to raise men to go into the war — 15 to be compleated for six months, and there are orders for 14 for three months. Master Sam. Brigham and Winslow Maynard (son of the late James Jr. deceased) dined here. N.B. Mr. Gale takes account of the Acres I own in Westborough, viz. ab’t 66.
June 27, 1780
1780 June 27 (Tuesday). Sophy rides to Boston in her Brother Samuel’s Chaise. Josiah Brigham goes with her and carrys Suse Parkman to her Father’s. N.B. Sent by Sophy a letter to Mr. Forbes, Gloucester. Another to Mr. Thos. Adams at Medfield, also to Mr. Ripley, his Melmoth on Sublime and Beautiful of Script. Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Sparhawk of Templeton here, and dines with us. P.M. came Mrs. Sarah Thurston to be examined in order to her joining with the Church. Mr. Josiah Bowker and his Wife, with Deacon Wood’s Wife, make us a Visit, and drink Tea here.
June 28, 1780
1780 June 28 (Wednesday). The Companys meet again to raise Men. Mr. Thad. Warrin mows part of my Square — but is catched in the Rain. Two of the Selectmen, viz. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard and Mr. Tim Warrin here, to inform me that they are going to call a Town Meeting, and they ask me whether I would have any Thing put in, relative to my Circumstances. I consented that they should. Master Sam Brigham lodges here.
June 29, 1780
1780 June 29 (Thursday). I have the Comfort to have my square Piece of Grass mowed and the mower, Mr. Warrin dined with us. But the people are in trouble for they cant raise the men that are called for. Viz: 15 for Six months and 14 for three months. They meet again this afternoon. Old Mr. David Maynard and Deacon Wood here.
June 30, 1780
1780 June 30 (Friday). Josiah Brigham returns from Boston and Concord, with little Suse. Thus we finish this month, but with very gloomy and doubtful Apprehensions concerning the Events of the Next. But may a good God Support us!