October 31, 1779

1779 October 31 (Sunday).  I preached again on Ps. 36.7 and dilated on some Instances, particularly Mr. Joseph Alleine, and the Two Janeways, William the Father and John.  I administered the Lord’s Supper — a number of Strangers with us.  My kinswoman Atwell, member of Mr. Roby’s Church at Lynn, partook.  Master Hazzletine dined with us.  P.M. preached on Isa. 50.10.  I received today by Mr. Francis Barns, a proclamation for a Day of Humiliation and Supplication, which I read.


N.B. I baptized Mr. Davis’s son Isaac.  N.B. I was greatly Spent — insomuch that I went down to the Elder’s Seat without praying, but prayed there.  At eve, Breck read Mr. Henry’s Communication, Comp.[1] Ch. 12 in part.

[1]This is undoubtedly a reference, mistakenly transcribed, to Matthew Henry’s The Communicant’s Companion (reprinted several times in Boston); see also May 6, Sept. 9, 1781, and July 28, 1782).