October 25, 1779

1779 October 25 (Monday).  Breck to Boston.  In his way carrys Suse and the Child to Col. Brigham’s.  Mr. Francis Whipple of New Braintree makes us a visit.  I began to read Mr. Buckminster against Mr. Isaac Foster, which was sent me by the author, by means of Mr. Maccarty.  But was interrupted by the coming in of Mr. Belknap and after him half a score of the Brethren of the Church besides, one after another, to confer about Mr. D. Adams and his Wife.  Those that came (besides Mr. Belknap) were Deacon Bond and Deacon Wood, Messrs. Daniel Forbes, Benj. Tainter, Joseph Grout, Jonathan Grout, Levi Warren, Eli Whitney, Joseph Harrington, Jonathan Forbes.  They agree upon a small number of them to go to Mr. Adam’s tomorrow, to advise him to consent to choosing together with his wife, Referees before whom to try their Affair, or at least to take Counsel of them in order to Settlement, and Mr. Adams is to be apprized that these Brethren request that notice be given after the next Lecture that as many of the Brethren as shall incline to are desired to stop a little for further Conference upon those Matters.