June 8, 1779

1779 June 8 (Tuesday).  I rode to Mr. Nat. Whitney’s in Grafton to talk with Hannah Whitney about her Humiliation and joining with the Church.  Then proceeded to Mr. Grosvenor’s, but neither he nor she was at home.  I went into Mr. Joseph Brown’s, with hope to see his Electrical Machine, but he was again gone to Providence.  His lady was generous in entertaining me.  I dined there and she sent her son Obadiah to call Mr. Henstick, the baptist Minister, to show me the said Machine.  Mr. Grosvenor had by this time returned from Sutton, and came to me, and kindly assisted Mr. Henstick in the Electrical Operations, which were wonderful.  I was electrized a number of times, the rather as it was said to be a Remedy against the Cramp, which I am much subject to.  The Experiments led me to utter, “how Manifold are thy Works, O Lord, in Wysdom hast thou Made them all.”  In returning home, I came by Mr. Isaiah Fairbanks and Mr. Nurse’s.  Miss Lydia and Miss Rebecca request a Fast may be kept at their House, and that Mr. Sumner and Mr. Fisk may be sought to perform on that occasion.  The time, to be, God Willing, this day Fortnight.  I came home safely through the Divine Goodness to me.