1779 May 31 (Monday). Mr. Broaders comes and informs me of the Death of Mr. Daniel How, which occurred yesterday towards night. Aged 54 last October. N.B. I appointed a Catechizing on next Thursday a. and p.m., and am (by divine assistance) to preach at the private Meeting tomorrow: so that the Funeral must be tomorrow morning, and he must be buryed in Northborough in that south part where his Father and Mother were interred. Mr. Willard of Mendon and Mr. Edmund Foster, preacher at Marlborough having changed yesterday, met and baited here. Breck receives of me £300 which I commit to him as either lending it to him or partly to pay for a yoke of oxen bought of Mr. Crooks for £200, and the remaining 100 to trade with as may be most prudent to save the sinking. Old Mr. Wait of Ashburham here. Lt. Grout here to enquire into the meeting at his House.