1779 May 24 (Monday). I went to Squire Baker’s. Mr. Jonas Bradish there, who gives me reason to expect today some such Paper from him as he designs to lay before the Church, but (as usual) disappoints me. Squire Baker again relieves me as to pasturing my sheep, if I will obtain of Mr. Elisha Forbes to keep his uncle Eli’s nine. Miss Eliza Beals came in to see me and consult me upon her Spiritual State — mentions several Scriptures She would have me preach upon, but which I have already. As to her bodily State, she is grown exceeding dropsical. At eve came Mr. John Belknap Junior of New Braintree, and is full of exceptions against Mr. Foster — has got also Mr. Isaac Foster’s (the father’s) ordination sermon preached at New Braintree. He leaves it for me to read.