1779 May 23 (Sunday). A.M. on Zech. III.9.10. Cousen Samuel Brigham, besides our Spinners, John Forbes and Sarah Miller, dined here. N.B. Mr. Batherick stops me in my going to meeting p.m. and acquaints me that Mr. Jonas Bradish was here, and desired the Church might be desired to stay after the Exercises. It was sudden, and at that juncture, an interruption. But I spoke to Mr. Bradish and several of the Brethren, who he had been talking with, viz. Capt. Jonas Brigham, and Mr. Samuel Forbush who joined in the (verbal) Request that the Church might be spoke to, and a meeting appointed. P.M. I read Eph. 5 and preached on v. 6. I detained the Church, and appointed a Meeting on Tuesday next at 2 p.m. Sophy not well and took physick this morning, but knew it not till it worked.