1779 May 10 (Monday). I visited Mrs. Mallet, and old Lieut. Thomas Forbush and his wife. Breck and his Family brought and eat their dinner with us, which was so much the more agreeable and sociable. P.M. Mr. Waters who has been preaching at Newtown here and informs me of the Death of Dr. Wheelock, president of the College at Dartmouth, and of Dr. Winthrop, professor of Matham. and Philosophy at Cambridge. The last was buryed at Cambridge May 1. O that God would show compassion on the bereaved Semenerrys! Mr. Noah Hardy’s wife here. Mr. Elijah Brigham brings his classmate Mr. [blank] Foot. They all drink coffee. At eve Mr. George Stimson here about the Load Stored in my Barn, but took none of it away. N.B. John Forbes came to spin.