1779 May 3 (Monday). Mrs. Mallet remains ill. I visited her, and there was also old Mrs. Stone (one of the poor from Charlestown). I prayed with them. N.B. I was met by Mr. Stockwell Shoemaker, and could not avoid discoursing with him concerning the amazing alteration of the Price of Things, for I this day paid Six Dollars for only the making of a pair of Shooes for me, viz. by Mr. James Smith who works at Capt. Fisher’s, which is 12 times as much as I gave for the last Pair but one, for which I gave half a Dollar, at Mr. Barn. Newton’s. N.B. Mr. May has bought of Joseph Lee of Cambridge Esq. 1420 acres of Land in Montague, and has paid for it. It stood him between 4 and 5 Thousand pounds L.M. N.B. As I received a Letter yesterday noon from Ensign Aaron Warrin, desiring me to preach next Fast Day on 1 Chron. 4.10, today began to write upon it.