1779 May 1 (Saturday). My Daughter in Law, Salley, rides in her Chaise with Eli Forbes to Brookfield.
Month: May 1779
May 2, 1779
1779 May 2 (Sunday). Did not read publickly because I had not done with the former passages already read, viz. Zeph. 3.8, which I preached on a.m. and on Cant. 8.1 p.m. Mr. Adonijah Rice’s wife dined here. May God bless the Word delivered. Mr. William May came at eve. Lodged here.
May 3, 1779
1779 May 3 (Monday). Mrs. Mallet remains ill. I visited her, and there was also old Mrs. Stone (one of the poor from Charlestown). I prayed with them. N.B. I was met by Mr. Stockwell Shoemaker, and could not avoid discoursing with him concerning the amazing alteration of the Price of Things, for I this day paid Six Dollars for only the making of a pair of Shooes for me, viz. by Mr. James Smith who works at Capt. Fisher’s, which is 12 times as much as I gave for the last Pair but one, for which I gave half a Dollar, at Mr. Barn. Newton’s. N.B. Mr. May has bought of Joseph Lee of Cambridge Esq. 1420 acres of Land in Montague, and has paid for it. It stood him between 4 and 5 Thousand pounds L.M. N.B. As I received a Letter yesterday noon from Ensign Aaron Warrin, desiring me to preach next Fast Day on 1 Chron. 4.10, today began to write upon it.
May 4, 1779
1779 May 4 (Tuesday). Mr. David Clark of Ashburnham came to see us. N.B. No word of Complaint about his son Ben: who is in the Continental service. Mr. Amos Parker of Shrewsbury here, his business with his son.
May 5, 1779
1779 May 5 (Wednesday). My Daughter-in-law returns with Eli Forbes from Brookfield. Benj. Bancroft of Sutton Stores his Load in my Barn.
May 6, 1779
1779 May 6 (Thursday). General Fast throughout the United States. The forenoon exercises were (not designedly) exceeding long. A.M. on the text requested by Ensign Warren, viz. 1 Chron. 4.10, but I read and made some remarks upon v. 9. P.M. Used part of sermon on Jer. 8.5, but with many enlargements. O that God would please to accept our sacrifices, and quicken us to conform to his holy Word! Col. Job. Cushing, Major Ezra Beeman were at meeting p.m., and refreshed themselves with us at eve. They were here upon the Business of Raising a number of Men to go to Rhode Island.
May 7, 1779
1779 May 7 (Friday). Eli Forbes Returns to Cambridge and Boston. Sally tarries with us. I send by Eli to Elias, Ferguson’s Astronomy, with a Letter against his Selling Books, which he has had of me, and have writ to Eli’s Father, particularly to send for his Sheep after Shearing. N.B. Breck has bought another horse, which his brother Samuel procured for him, of Major Stillman at Boston. P.M. I rode to Mr. Thomas Bellows to see him in his weak and low condition, and prayed with him and his son’s Family — thence I proceed to divers Other of the Families in that corner, viz. Mr. Chamberlain. N.B. his son Daniel gives me half a bushel of Indian Corn, and lends me a bushel and half more. I called at Mr. Nat. Chamberlain’s, went into widow Bellow’s, and stayed some time at Ensign Snow’s — drank Tea there etc. At home found Capt. John Wood and his Lady, who make a visit here.
May 8, 1779
1779 May 8 (Saturday). Wrote to Mr. Whitney of Northborough for the Result of Bolton Council. Breck goes to Holden p.m. Mr. George Stimson was here and carried away from my barn four bushels (as he says) of Indian Corn, which is part of the load stored there by Benj. Bancroft on last Wednesday, for which he gave me his Receipt. He says the load is his, and that he Shall soon take away the Rest of it. Mr. Isaac Miller was here and signed an acknowledgement.
May 9, 1779
1779 May 9 (Sunday). With some amendments I went on a.m. and finished on Jer. 8.5 last clause. Administered the Lord’s Supper. N.B. Brother Isaac Miller was restored. Mrs. Maynard dined here, as did one Daniel Holbrook, whom Mrs. Parkman saw to be a stranger and invited in. P.M. on Jer. 5.20-25 to page 9.
May 10, 1779
1779 May 10 (Monday). I visited Mrs. Mallet, and old Lieut. Thomas Forbush and his wife. Breck and his Family brought and eat their dinner with us, which was so much the more agreeable and sociable. P.M. Mr. Waters who has been preaching at Newtown here and informs me of the Death of Dr. Wheelock, president of the College at Dartmouth, and of Dr. Winthrop, professor of Matham. and Philosophy at Cambridge. The last was buryed at Cambridge May 1. O that God would show compassion on the bereaved Semenerrys! Mr. Noah Hardy’s wife here. Mr. Elijah Brigham brings his classmate Mr. [blank] Foot. They all drink coffee. At eve Mr. George Stimson here about the Load Stored in my Barn, but took none of it away. N.B. John Forbes came to spin.
May 11, 1779
1779 May 11 (Tuesday). Visit Mr. Daniel How, and prayed with him — went to Mr. Benj. Howe’s — called to see Mrs. Kelly. Sophy goes to Mr. Amos Parkers at Shrewsbury. Col. Baldwin and his son Isaac came. Sarah Miller came to spin. Isaac Forbush takes away by order of Benj. Bancroft the remainder of the Load above said. Col. Baldwin and his son lodge at Breck’s. Their horses are put into the burying-place, our Hay being gone.
May 12, 1779
1779 May 12 (Wednesday). Col. Baldwin puts one of his horses into Salley’s Chaise, and waits upon her to Boston. Isaac to Boston in his way to Byfield. I read Logan’s Cicero of Old Age.
May 13, 1779
1779 May 13 (Thursday). Breck undertakes to new modell the Frame for the Grape Vine in the Garden to run upon: and Parker and Timothy help him. I am still engaged in Logan’s Cicero of old age, with very useful notes.
May 14, 1779
1779 May 14 (Friday). Breck, Parker and Tim. are still upon the Vine and garden.
May 15, 1779
1779 May 15 (Saturday). Mr. Parker (Ephraim’s Father) here. Ephraim goes home, and carries John Cushing to Shrewsbury.
May 16, 1779
1779 May 16 (Sunday). Preached again on 1 Chron. 4.10. Mr. Elijah Brigham dined with us. P.M. repeated on Jer. 5.25 with many omissions and alterations.
May 17, 1779
1779 May 17 (Monday). Visit old Mr. Bellows, who is become weaker. Prayed and discoursed with him. Visit at Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain junior. He presents me half a bushel of Indian meal — tells me his Brother Daniel went to Marblehead with a load of Indian and Rye, and had 25 Dollars p. Bushel.
May 18, 1779
1779 May 18 (Tuesday). I rode Breck’s mare to Bolton, it being Association. Messrs. Smith, Harrington, Bigelow, Newell present — Messrs. Stone, Bridge and Whitney absent. Mr. Goss prayed and gave a Concio on Joh. 4.36, especially latter part, with a particular application to what was lately done at the Council in Bolton, accompanyed with Sad Complaints — which after the exercise was over, I made reply to. But we parted in peace. In returning I called at Capt. Edward Johnson’s and drank Tea there. Stopped at Mr. Whitney’s and lodged there.
May 19, 1779
1779 May 19 (Wednesday). In my way home I went to see Mrs. Dolly Rice. N.B. her Daughter Adams resides there. I called at Mr. [blank] Andrews, newly come to live in the house that was Mr. Tinney’s. Visited Mr. Daniel How who still grows worse — at Capt. Maynard’s to see Stephen who has been languishing. Dined at home. P.M. Mr. Waters on his way to Newtown to preach for Mr. Merriam. Capt. Goddard of Sutton here. Informs me of his raising Madder and Malage Grapes.
May 20, 1779
1779 May 20 (Thursday). A.M. Mr. Belknap came in to see me and discoursed about my circumstances and the necessary supplies, the affairs coming on in the Town Meeting p.m. Mr. Daniel Nurse here to renew the Request of his two Sisters, that there may be a Fast kept at theirs. I am obliged to take some time to consider of it. N.B. The Town debated upon making me some further allowance, considering the vast increase of the Necessaries of Life. But it passed negatively.
May 21, 1779
1779 May 21 (Friday). The proceedings of the Town yesterday were to my Surprise.
May 22, 1779
1779 May 22 (Saturday). Mrs. Scott is improved to work here. Sophy droops.
May 23, 1779
1779 May 23 (Sunday). A.M. on Zech. III.9.10. Cousen Samuel Brigham, besides our Spinners, John Forbes and Sarah Miller, dined here. N.B. Mr. Batherick stops me in my going to meeting p.m. and acquaints me that Mr. Jonas Bradish was here, and desired the Church might be desired to stay after the Exercises. It was sudden, and at that juncture, an interruption. But I spoke to Mr. Bradish and several of the Brethren, who he had been talking with, viz. Capt. Jonas Brigham, and Mr. Samuel Forbush who joined in the (verbal) Request that the Church might be spoke to, and a meeting appointed. P.M. I read Eph. 5 and preached on v. 6. I detained the Church, and appointed a Meeting on Tuesday next at 2 p.m. Sophy not well and took physick this morning, but knew it not till it worked.
May 24, 1779
1779 May 24 (Monday). I went to Squire Baker’s. Mr. Jonas Bradish there, who gives me reason to expect today some such Paper from him as he designs to lay before the Church, but (as usual) disappoints me. Squire Baker again relieves me as to pasturing my sheep, if I will obtain of Mr. Elisha Forbes to keep his uncle Eli’s nine. Miss Eliza Beals came in to see me and consult me upon her Spiritual State — mentions several Scriptures She would have me preach upon, but which I have already. As to her bodily State, she is grown exceeding dropsical. At eve came Mr. John Belknap Junior of New Braintree, and is full of exceptions against Mr. Foster — has got also Mr. Isaac Foster’s (the father’s) ordination sermon preached at New Braintree. He leaves it for me to read.
May 25, 1779
1779 May 25 (Tuesday). I sent for Mr. Elisha Forbes, who came and told me he would take care of his uncle’s nine sheep, that they may not trouble me any more. No Mr. Bradish though I staid at home to wait on him. At half after 10 I received his Letter to be laid before the Church. P.M. Church Meeting, but not till after three by reason of the member’s Delinquency. Mr. Bradish came — his paper read. I answered it. Many debates ensued. At length he confesses in such a manner as that the Church voted Acceptance, and for the Sake of peace, I conceived it best to forgive him, and thus we emerged from this Difficulty, for which I am heartily thankful! We began and ended with prayer.
May 26, 1779
1779 May 26 (Wednesday). Wrote (and copied) a Certificate concerning Jonas Bradish directed to Rev. Mr. Jos. Brown of Winchendon. This day of great Solemnity when the Heads of the Tribes assemble together for the grand purposes of Seeking the God of our Fathers, and hearing what God the Lord has to say to us as likewise to exercise that invaluable privilege of choosing the Counsellors for this State — and this happy Season for the Convention of Ministers. I am obliged in prudence all things considered to stay at Home, where, however may my Heart join with all those who gratefully celebrate the praises of God giving thanks to His Name, and would earnestly implore pardoning Mercy for the whole Land! And the continuance of all public and personal Blessing, that the judgments of God may be removed, that we may be extricated out of our Difficulties, and be lead in the Paths of Rest and Peace!
May 27, 1779
1779 May 27 (Thursday). Visited poor John Bond, under grievous lameness, and prayed with him. Dined at Col. Brigham’s, in my way to old Mrs. Beaman, who I visited and prayed with. Mr. John Belknap jun. here again, about Mr. Daniel Foster’s Doctrines. I have read his F’s sermon, with the notes. Mr. Ithamar Bellows dies about 5 p.m.
May 28, 1779
1779 May 28 (Friday). Mr. John Belknap calls once more, as he is returning home. Takes the Book he lent me — is very free, against Mr. Foster and deeply concerned what will be the Event. P.M. Mr. William Brigham’s wife, near neighbor to Col. Brigham here, drinks Coffee with us etc. My kinsman, Mr. Thos. Needham, returning from camp at Fish-kill to his family at Salem, comes in to see me. He is more out of Health than when he was here last year, and thinks not to go to the Army again.
May 29, 1779
1779 May 29 (Saturday). Attended Mr. Ithamar Bellows Funeral and prayed. May God please to sanctifie the Death of the aged Brother to us!
May 30, 1779
1779 May 30 (Sunday). A.M. Read Zech. IV and gave expository notes on the former part, but preached on Eph. 5.6. Preached p.m. on Rom. 8.11[1] by reason of Mr. Bellows death. Mr. Sam. Barrett of Hopkinton and Mrs. Maynard dined here.
[1]Rom. 8.11: “But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Sprit that dwelleth in you.”
May 31, 1779
1779 May 31 (Monday). Mr. Broaders comes and informs me of the Death of Mr. Daniel How, which occurred yesterday towards night. Aged 54 last October. N.B. I appointed a Catechizing on next Thursday a. and p.m., and am (by divine assistance) to preach at the private Meeting tomorrow: so that the Funeral must be tomorrow morning, and he must be buryed in Northborough in that south part where his Father and Mother were interred. Mr. Willard of Mendon and Mr. Edmund Foster, preacher at Marlborough having changed yesterday, met and baited here. Breck receives of me £300 which I commit to him as either lending it to him or partly to pay for a yoke of oxen bought of Mr. Crooks for £200, and the remaining 100 to trade with as may be most prudent to save the sinking. Old Mr. Wait of Ashburham here. Lt. Grout here to enquire into the meeting at his House.