1779 March 1 (Monday). The Town met. They sent two to ask me to go and pray with them. I complied, and at their Request, I read the King of Britain’s Speech to his Parliament, November last. Mr. Daniel Forbes was here to ask me to preach at his House tomorrow. My son Ebenezer returned from Watertown, Boston etc. He brings a letter from Mr. Forbes of Gloucester, concerning the Sickness of his son-in-law, Charles Saunders of about 8 etc. etc. The choristers Chamberlain and Whitney, say they want to be dismissed and desire there may be a new choir. Ebenezer lodges here. N.B. Moses Warren was released from serving me this season.
Month: March 1779
March 2, 1779
1779 March 2 (Tuesday). I preached to the private Meeting at Mr. D. Forbes’s on Ps. 44.18, recommending Stedfastness in Religion and rebuking Inconstancy, Declining and Apostacy — and Isaac Millar, a Delinquent, was there. N.B. Mr. Forbes repeatedly desires I would revive the Public Reading of the Scriptures. N.B. My son Ebenezer went with me to the Meeting, tarrys and lodges here.
March 3, 1779
1779 March 3 (Wednesday). Ephraim Parker (brother of Elisha and Isaac) came to work by the Day for me. He goes to the Ministerial Lot to get Posts and Rails. I went to Squire Baker’s, and acknowledged a power of Attorney, to be sent to Mr. David Hitchcock of Brookfield to recover a Debt from James Smith of Western; to be carried with a letter to Mr. Hitchcock by my son Ebenezer. N.B. Honorable Samuel Baker was there. The Town meets by adjournment. Messrs. Belknap and Forbes here, and acquaint me that the Chief of the Town have expressed their desire that I would revive the public Reading of the Scriptures, and say there were but two (Mr. Andrews and Mr. Hannaniah Parker), that said any Thing against it: also Messrs. Chamberlain and Whitney, the choristers, were here that they might see what I had drawn up, to lay before the Congregation, praying there may be a New Choice in their Stead. Ebenezer lodges here. So does Ephraim Parker.
March 4, 1779
1779 March 4 (Thursday). I don’t send the power of Attorney to Mr. Hitchcock nor Breck’s Letter to him, but have writ myself, and have agreed with my son Ebenezer (who now leaves us) to go to Mr. James Smith of Western, and apprize him of what I am about to do, that he may prevent the Evil by discharging the Bond. Mrs. P ________ disposes of Baize Lining to Ebenezer, and with the money, and some additions (that of 34s) purchases [blank] yards of Bear Skin to make him (Elias) a Straight-bodyed coat. (Designed Lining of a New Red homespun Camblet gown for Elias.)
March 5, 1779
1779 March 5 (Friday). [No entry.]
March 6, 1779
1779 March 6 (Saturday). Ephraim left me by agreement and to return again.
March 7, 1779
1779 March 7 (Sunday). A Stormy, snowy Day — but a small Assembly. I read a.m. the former part of the first Ch. of Zechariah and delivered expository observations for the forenoon exercise. Sr. Brigham (Elijah) and Master Fisk dined here. P.M. Read Rev. 14, first 7 or 8 v. and repeated what I had delivered upon it three years ago to page 7. May God graciously own and bless what has been done agreeable to His Will! Both before and after our evening Family exercise Mrs. P. read to me Pike and H., and I read part of Charnock on Gen. 6.5, The Sinfulness and Care of Thought, both which were very quickening to me. To God be the Glory!
March 8, 1779
1779 March 8 (Monday). Went to see Sam Dalrymple, whose Leggs were lately scalled with hot wort. Mr. Harrington sleds away with my four Steers, 4 logs of Maple to his door.
March 9, 1779
1779 March 9 (Tuesday). At Squire Baker’s who takes my acknowledgment of another power of Attorney to Mr. David Hitchcock instead of that of the 3d which upon reviewing was not agreeable, and therefore was not sent. The Squire was exceeding Friendly and generous. He gave me 20 lbs. of tryed Tallow and to Mr. Stone 12 lb. being all he spoke for. Moreover he would have me, whenever I am in any Straight, to let him know of it. I called to see Mrs. Wheelock. She has a bad Breast: and Mrs. Keens.
March 10, 1779
1779 March 10 (Wednesday). Eph. Parker came again. Breck goes to Boston. I wrote to Mr. Ripley of Concord for my Books and for Sister Champney’s Chest. Also to my Son William to hasten my Cart Wheels. P.M. came my son and Daughter Baldwin from Brookfield and with them Oliver How to wait on them, and by Tea Time came Dr. Stimson and young Mr. Sam. Woodward of Weston. The two latter returned to Marlborough. The others lodged here: the Horses were taken in to keeping by Capt. Morse. Ephraim Parker lodges here.
March 11, 1779
1779 March 11 (Thursday). Mr. Baldwin and my Daughter leave us to go towards Byfield, but she is in doubt of her reaching there. Their man returns back to Brookfield. At eve came my son Moore, who has been at Oxford and Charleton, and goes this way in his return home. He brings me another Letter from Mr. West, containing No. VII and VIII of Prophetic Computations and Remarks. He lodges here.
March 12, 1779
1779 March 12 (Friday). At noon came my son Alexander of Marlborough in New Hampshire. I am so short out for good Hay that I send one horse to Mr. Ebenezer Maynard, the other to Mr. Jonathan Forbes to be kept. For Mr. Moore will Tarry over the Sabbath.
March 13, 1779
1779 March 13 (Saturday). Alexander leaves us to go to some part of Connecticut to pay the woman he bought his place of.
March 14, 1779
1779 March 14 (Sunday). I read and briefly expound Zech. 1.7. Mr. Moore preached a.m. on Luke [?] 6.46. Mrs. Maynard dined here. I did not read p.m. Mr. Moore preached on 1 Joh. 5.3. Jos. Grout Junior was admitted into the Church. I appointed the Communion and Lecture and by Desire notified the Congregation to make a new choice of Choristers, after the next Lecture. At eve Mr. Moore repeated the Heads of the afternoon Sermon, viz. on 1 Joh. 5.3. I earnestly pray for Success may attend both the Exercises, and that we may all be inspired with that love of God which produces new Obedience.
March 15, 1779
1779 March 15 (Monday). Mr. Moore leaves us to return to Rochester. I wrote by him to Mr. West. I rode in the Sleigh to visit poor Mr. Daniel How, who has a mortification in one of his Feet. But I first dined at Mr. Davis’s. At Mr. Fessenden’s (where Mr. How lives), I talked with him (Mr. Fessenden) about his not coming to meeting — but he gave me no Answer. Mr. Davis furnished me with his Horse to ride back — for Elias proceeded in the Sleigh to Northborough. I made a visit to old Mrs. Kelley (who is about 85, was born March 6 old Style 1694) and prayed there.
March 16, 1779
1779 March 16 (Tuesday). Visit Deacon Wood. N.B. Yesterday a Thief stole out of his Bar about 100 Dollars. They pursued and found the Villian [sic], one Waters at Marlborough, recovered in part and a Note for the rest. The Deacon made up, but Col. Johnathan Ward sent him to Prison. I went in to see Capt. J. Wood’s wife and prayed there.
March 17, 1779
1779 March 17 (Wednesday). Mr. Stone came, dined with me. He tells me his people have voted to sing Tate and Brady’s Version, and began last Lord’s Day. The High Sheriff of this County, William Greenleaf Esq. dined with us. He is going to Medfield to see his father Quincy, and called to take my Commands, but I had no letter writ. Mr. Stone preached my Lecture on Ps. 103.3, first clause. After Sermon and Blessing, the Church were by the Desire of the Deacons, stayed concerning Contributions. The Congregation staid also at the request of the Choristers, that they might resign and the People might make a new Choice. They chose Mr. Eli Whitney by 41 votes: Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain jr. by 31, Mr. Johnathan Batherick by 29, Mr. Elisha Parker by 23. My son Alexander came from Connecticut and lodged here. I wrote to President Langdon to excuse Elias’ tardiness. And delivered Elias 100 Dollars.
March 18, 1779
1779 March 18 (Thursday). Elias sat out on Breck’s mare for Cambridge. Alexander, after dinner, undertook his Journey home. Rec’d a Letter from Mr. Ebenezer Sparhawk of Templeton, which related to some uneasiness’s there. I wrote an Answer. At eve came two of Timothy’s brothers Elias and John Bryant from Stoneham on Foot. They lodged here.
March 20, 1779
1779 March 19 (Friday). Mr. Timothy Parker of Templeton came in, to whom I committed my Letter to Mr. Sparhawk. The rigorous weather excites Pity to Elias at Coll.
March 20, 1779
1779 March 20 (Saturday). The Bryants left us a.m. to go to Littleton and thence home. When I had prepared nigh as much as I intended to deliver came a young gentleman with Mr. Elijah Brigham, viz. Mr. Caleb Alexander, who was from Northfield, and lodged here. He was graduated at Yale College, approbated by the Association at New London.
March 21, 1779
1779 March 21 (Sunday). Mr. Aaron Hutchinson junior came from Marlborough, to preach for me, today, but Mr. Alexander preached a.m. on Isa. 5.4. I read Isa. 53. Both the young Gentlemen attended with us at the Sacrament, which was administered. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. Mr. Hutchinson on Mat. 25.46. I detained the Church and read a Letter from the South-west Parish in Bolton, requesting assistance in a Fast and gathering a Church. The Church voted compliance and Dr. Hawes and Deacon Wood Delegates. Mr. Hutchinson goes to Grafton. Mr. Alexander lodges here. His horse at Mr. Elijah Hardy’s.
March 22, 1779
1779 March 22 (Monday). Mr. Alexander here for it is a great storm. He lodges here.
March 23, 1779
1779 March 23 (Tuesday). Mr. Hardy came to wait on Mr. Alexander to his house. I am in great Doubt about my going to the Fast etc. at Bolton. P.M. Deacon Wood here to see what I shall be like to do. I have endeavored to prepare my Self if I should. Both the Roads and the Weather very unpromising.
March 24, 1779
1779 March 24 (Wednesday). Instead of going to Mr. Whitney’s in the way of Bolton (as I had planned) it proved so tempestuous, so violent a snow-storm, that I could scarcely go out of Doors at all. Ephraim’s brother Elisha was here and dined with us. He speaks of the Straits and Difficulties to which many of the People of Bolton are reduced, for want of Bread and how scarce Meat is there. May the great Provider Pity them, especially at this Season, and all others that are exposed in this terrible Storm! In Special that are at Sea.
March 25, 1779
1779 March 25 (Thursday). The Storm continues: and the Snow is very deep. Going to Bolton Fast and Council, I suppose is utterly impracticable. I am employed by my self in my Study. But about 10 to 11 the Fierceness of the Storm abated and the Sun appeared. Yet p.m. the Heavens are clouded again.
March 26, 1779
1779 March 26 (Friday). Go on with my preparations for the Sabbath. P.M. came Mr. Alexander accompanied by his uncle Miller. Stays not long. Mr. Caleb Harrington invites and waits upon him to his House, and thence he intends to go to Master Moses Brigham’s, who is to be found at his School, or at his Lodging, Mr. Andrews.
March 27, 1779
1779 March 27 (Saturday). Though the Snow was troublesome, yet Ephraim is employed in fetching two load of Posts and Rails (partly finished) from Beeton’s.
March 28, 1779
1779 March 28 (Sunday). A.M. on Zech. 11 thro’ out. P.M. on Rev. 14.7 to p. 14, with addition of four uses in a loose Paper. No stranger to dine. At eve Mr. Elijah Brigham came with Breck, and such of his Family as could come, to join in the Repetition, Singing etc.
March 29, 1779
1779 March 29 (Monday). John Baker undertakes his Journey to Andover, where he is going to School to learn Latin. He calls here to borrow an Accidence, which I let him have. May God be his Guardian and grant Success!
March 30, 1779
1779 March 30 (Tuesday). Engaged in Various Readings etc. a.m. P.M. came Parkman Bradshaw from Brookfield. I understand that the Circumstances of my Son Ebenezer are difficult. He has hired of Mr. Hitchcock the House which his son Bradshaw took a Lease of. Sent Mr. Joseph Bond Mr. Bradshaw’s Horse to keep. He himself lodges here. Rec’d Letters from Mr. Whitney about a Contribution for Rhode Island people and concerning the Fast etc. at Bolton.
March 31, 1779
1779 March 31 (Wednesday). Mr. Bradshaw sett out for Cambridge. I rode to visit Mr. Stone, of Southborough. Dined there. He tells me his son-in-law Bangs of Hardwick is dead. P.M. I went with Mr. Stone to the Meeting House where Mr. Luke Wilder held a Singing. In returning, I borrowed and brought home Clark’s Lives of eminent Persons Fol. Called at Mr. Gale’s, his Father being poorly. At Mr. Andrews — have not been there since their Marriage till now. The roads are exceeding Dirty, the snow melting apace. This Ride was followed by Bad Cramp in the Night. May the Lord pardon the Sins of this Month, and spare me etc.