1777 July 1 (Tuesday). Mr. Crosby came. The Girls prepared and Mounted in Mrs. Baldwins Chaise, and Drawn by Brecks Mare, and Mr. Crosby rode the Baldwin Horse, to ride as far as they could towards Boston via Concord. Mrs. Baldwin is too poorly (as she thinks) to venture; and therefore tarrys here with Me. Before noon came my Son William waiting upon his Mother, who met the Girls and an increased Company (Master Joseph Hall of Sutton etc.) going to Concord. P.M. The Town dwellers receive, for every House in Town about half a Bushel. Col. James Mellen of Hopkinton came in, being an Express from General Schuyler to Governor Trumball, to the Massachusetts etc., that a great Body of Regulars were come to Crown Point last Friday, that he himself Came from Albany on the Sabbath, etc. etc.
Month: July 1777
July 2, 1777
1777 July 2 (Wednesday). Marble etc. march to Worcester. Mr. Daniel Forbes from Brookfield brings Letters of the 17 and 20 – all from Mr. Baldwin at Ticonderoga — and from Skeenesboro. The scope is, The Regulars are come from Canada, and are got to Crown Point. Recruits from the handyest of [these?] states are call for immediately.
July 3, 1777
1777 July 3 (Thursday). My Daughter Baldwin Seems [more revived?] now she has her Mother to Converse [torn] her, and make her Chearfull. At Eve Winslow Brigham — lodges among us. By the News-Paper some encouraging Accounts from N.Y., Jersies etc.
July 4, 1777
1777 July 4 (Friday). Mr. Hall (Josiah of Sutton) came with two of Deacon Tarrant Putnam’s Daughters, return from Concord, and inform that Hannah got down to Samuels pritty well, and on Thursday undertook to go to Boston. They turn out here — drink Coffee etc.
July 5, 1777
1777 July 5 (Saturday). Cousen Beckky Warrin of Upton came to See Mrs. Baldwin — dined here.
July 6, 1777
1777 July 6 (Sunday). Preach’d on Hosea 6.4 a. and p.m. Simon Crosby came to enquire after his Brother (who went with Sophy and Hannah, but is not returned), and he dined here. At Eve Mr. Daniel Forbes junior was here to take Letters etc. from Mrs. Baldwin for Brookfield. And I sent by him to Mr. Quincy, at Mr. Salsburys at Worcester.
July 7, 1777
1777 July 7 (Monday). I am informed that the Militia Companys in this Town meet to choose their officers. The North Company choose the same that they heretofore had. The South choose Mr. Nathan Fisher their Captain — Mr. Jonathan Grout the first Lieutenant and Mr. [blank] the second. Mr. Daniel Forbes, the Representative, made me a Visit and relates to me some of the principal transactions in the Court. Capt. Edmund Brigham came to desire me to visit aged Miss Stone (who came from Charlestown, and is now Sick) at Mr. Haskills. I rode and returned on Capt. Brighams Horse — discoursed and prayed with her. N.B. My Daughters Sophy and Hannah return from Concord, Boston, Cambridge etc. Sir Crosby accompanys them throughout their Journey. Hannah has born the Ride pritty well: but we can’t tell yet, the Effect of it. My Daughter Baldwin has been much exercised with her Disorders.
July 8, 1777
1777 July 8 (Tuesday). She has wrote to her Brother Forbes to meet her at Concord: and therefore Breck, after Dinner, waits upon her, in her own Chaise and with her Horse, to go down there. Reuben Lambson goes with some Acquaintance to his uncle Nat’s in Lancaster but it was at a most critical Time, when he had mowed the primest of my English Grass, Yesterday and this Day, till between 3 and 4 p.m. and great Signs of a storm. But he leaves it. However, as he asked, so I was forced to give him, Leave to go; and I went and raked my Self.
July 9, 1777
1777 July 9 (Wednesday). It rained in the Morning but the showers intermitted — sun shined so as that my Bees swarmed — no body to help, till Mr. Belknap accidentally came. I had sent for Neighbour Harrington, who came and they hiv’d the [swarme?]. Mr. Belknap dined with me. Reuben Lambson came home at night.
July 10, 1777
1777 July 10 (Thursday). Carry[s?] my own and other Letters directed to my son Baldwin, to Deacon Woods for Col. Mellen to take the Care of in his going to Tyconderoga. Was at Mr. Lambsons for hives. His two Friends Messrs. Potter and Thomas Whipple there. P.M. came Mr. Goodale from Marlborough, but of Dartmouth College, to enquire whether he could live with me to study etc. In the night Breck returns from Boston — brings up the work of a Clock which he has bought at a Vendue.
July 11, 1777
1777 July 11 (Friday). Hannah has a more difficult morning by a severe Turn of Coughing: Appetite depraved etc.
July 12, 1777
1777 July 12 (Saturday). [No entry.]
July 13, 1777
1777 July 13 (Sunday). On consideration of the Sorrowful News that our People have evacuated Ticonderoga, I chose that Text in Isa. 8.17, but after proper Introduction and with various Alterations, I used the last sermon on Micah 7.7. The Widow (of Eliezer) Rice dined with us. P.M. the third time on Hosea 6.4. May God graciously add his Blessing! N.B. Hannah asks publick Prayers.
At Evening Exercise, read (very much for Hannah’s sake) principal part of Mr. John Masons 2d Discourse on Mic. II.10, former part. A good Composition. May the reading of it be savingly blessed to us!
July 14, 1777
1777 July 14 (Monday). Many Confirmations of the sad News (of Tych______). A Method the South military Company takes to settle their Officers. Hannah rides with Suse in the Baldwin Chaise, to Col. Brighams but is much exercised with Cough at Evening. Mr. Bradshaw came from New Braintree and lodges here. His Horse is kept (by order) in Capt. Maynards Pasture.
July 15, 1777
1777 July 15 (Tuesday). I was about to go to Cambridge to bring up Elias, but Mr. Bradshaw takes this Affair upon him. Rides in the Baldwin Chaise with the Baldwin Horse, and his own Horse is rid by Samuel Hindes of Watertown. I visit old Mrs. Stone at Mr. Haskills — discoursed and prayed with her. My poor Daughter is in a low state — Cough, purging, faint, no appetite — wastes, I think, more and more.
July 16, 1777
1777 July 16 (Wednesday). Jej. and prec. My Wife rides with Hannah on Horse back to Capt. Maynards. Hannah greatly Sunk in Spirit as well as Body. May God graciously extend Compassion! A Day of Trouble in the Family, as well as distressing on Account of the Public State. The loss of So Strong a Fortress as Ticonderoga and the Tumults in the Western Frontiers. But the most high is our Refuge. P.M. Elias returned from College. Parkman Bradshaw came with him in the Baldwin Chaise. They inform that yesterday there was a Funeral Oration in the Chappel occasioned by the Death of Mr. Benjamin Wadsworth, who departed by the Small Pox. Very much lamented, especially by his Class, to which Elias belonged.
July 17, 1777
1777 July 17 (Thursday). Bradshaw rides the Baldwin Horse to Brookfield and leads an Horse of Breck’s to be pastured at Coi’s Hill. Breck also goes to Worcester, and designs then for Hubbards Town to one Dr. Clark, to bring him to See Hannah.
Alexander came to see us — dines here: as does Mr. Aaron Crosby from Onohoquaghe and Miss Zeruiah Rice of Brookfield who brings three Letters from Betsy Baldwin, which are, two of them from her Father, to her, and to Isaac; the 3d from her to her Mother. I Committ all of them to the Care of Mr. Crosby who is going to Boston. N.B. I inclose them [blot] a Letter to Mr. Forbes at Gloucester.
July 18, 1777
1777 July 18 (Friday). Hannah, though She was pritty Comfortable Yesterday, had a bad night for coughing, etc. The morning Mr. Wood who is out of Health and rides about to help her, came here and in the Baldwin Chaise took Hannah and rode up to Shrewsbury to meet with the abovesaid Dr. Clark. But they all returned without that Part of their Errand.
July 19, 1777
1777 July 19 (Saturday). Hannah another poor Night for Coughing, etc. Mr. Hannaniah Parker has two Children ill of the Canker. Sends for me. I went. Prayed and discoursed with them. Mr. Bradshaw returned from Boston, and stood along a.m. for N. Braintry. Mrs. Hitty Rice dined here.
Account book: Mr. Benjamin Bradshaw bought for me at Boston, Sundry Druggs etc. Lucatell; Bals.–Bals. Polychrest [sp.?] Hooper’s Pillul. etc. for which, and some other Things, I paid him in full.
July 20, 1777
1777 July 20 (Sunday). On Hos. 6.4. I was long, because I was desirous to finish the Subject. N.B. Breck went Express to Capt. Timothy Brigham with Orders from Col. Wheelock. Suse’s two sisters, Mindwell and Anna, dined here. P.M. preached on Mic. Used former preparations to p. 6. At Col. Wheelocks desire I read an Order from the Council that all the people be furnished with Arms and Ammunition — and 6 Days provision — and be ready at a Minutes Warning. I appointed Communion — but on consideration of the public Troubles, the Business of the Season, and the Affliction of my Family, omitted the Lecture.
July 21, 1777
1777 July 21 (Monday). Sophy and Hannah p.m. rode over to Mr. Monro’s. They carry a Packet for the Post to carry to Col. Baldwin. Mrs. Hannah Rug visits here. The Girls return well, as I hope, though the Air was heavy, and it began to rain.
July 22, 1777
1777 July 22 (Tuesday). My Son Samuel comes from Concord with his sister Baldwin and dined with us. P.M. Samuel returns home — leaves Chambers Dictionary, 4 Vols. only. He takes with him Mason on self-Knowledge. Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington made us a kind, Sisterly visit. Mr. William May brings me somewhat more Account of the Evacuating Ticonderoga — that it was most probably by Treachery. At night we hear a Post is come for our Militia to march to Providence. And Sad News from Otter Creek. Deacon Wood kindly Visits me, and brings a Present of green Peas.
July 23, 1777
1777 July 23 (Wednesday). It is a time of remarkable Distress among people by reason of the Alarm, it being the most busy Season. God has blessed us with great plenty, but the Hands that are necessary to gather in the Harvest, are called away. Breck, as Adjutant, goes to Southborough to carry Orders, to the Officers there.
July 24, 1777
1777 July 24 (Thursday). Although the Regiment which is now Suddenly raised by the foresaid Alarm, was appointed to meet at Grafton to Day, Yet Elmer Cushing brought from his Father Orders of the Council, not to March till further Notice, but to hold themselves in Readiness for the very shortest Warning. Hannah is a little better at times, but fear, not in the main. She rides a little almost every Day. Sophy takes the principal Care of her Day and Night.
July 25, 1777
1777 July 25 (Friday). Breck hires Mr. Levi Warrins Horse to go in the Baldwin Chaise to Brookfield and waits upon his sister home. P.M. Sophy and Hannah have Mr. Newtons Horse and Chaise to ride a little way.
July 26, 1777
1777 July 26 (Saturday). They ride to Col. Brighams, and Sophy on horseback to Marlborough. P.M. Col. Job Cushing came, and shews me several Expresses to march to the Westward with all speed. N.B. Breck was come back from Brookfield. These fresh and sudden Orders put the people into fresh Trouble, and cause a great deal of Consternation. I have various unavoidable Interruptions. Mr. Moses Nurse rowels Brecks mare, as being distempered.
July 27, 1777
1777 July 27 (Sunday). Suse was so afflicted and impressed that She had an ill Night, and this morning fell into Travail. Dr. Hawes deliver’d her at about 20 minutes after 8 o’clock in the Morning, of a Male Child, premature. The Companys of Militia are called to gather and appear, before Meeting — [torn] dispatch’d their Business as to attend public worship. Preached on Heb. 13.13. Administered the Lords Supper. Sister Brigham, and widow (Elijah’s) Warrin, from Upton, dined with us. P.M. I preached on Eph. 5.15. At the Close addressed those that had been at the Communion and the Soldiers who were Soon to march. May it please [God] to pity us, and pardon, and appear for us in the middst of So many Distresses! It is a Time for us seriously to consider how we have been indulged with the Seasons of Grace, and free Liberty to assemble without Disturbance: but for our shameful abuse of our Privileges, the holy God now frowns upon us, and threatens to deprive us. May we be quickened by these Warnings, and may we the more highly prize and more carefully improve our Sabbath Advantages!
N.B. Hannah was remarkably exercised last night by uncommon and most tedious Smart in her Feet, which was caused by a plaister of Turpentine applyed to them: Her Pain was so great as to need, and had, the Doctor in the Night, and both her Mother and sister (Sophy) were obliged to attend her till break of Day. So that with what occurred with Suse, we had double Distress! But God has graciously carryed us through. To His Name be praise! And may we have Grace to improve these so peculiar Dispensations!
July 28, 1777
1777 July 28 (Monday). In the morning Mr. Paul Lambson prepared a Coffin, dugg a Grave; and we interred the Abortion. The Men, provided to march to the westward, gathered to Capt. Maynards early, and repaired to Col. Cushings. Twenty Four Officers, Soldiers, and a Waggoner go from this Town on this Occasion; and three more go as far as to Brookfield to guard the stores there. N.B. Breck has obtained to have Moses Brigham admitted in his room to march at this time, considering our present Circumstances in the Family.
July 29, 1777
1777 July 29 (Tuesday). Hannah’s Feet easier, but She can’t walk. Suse gathers strength. P.M. Miss Abigail Baldwin and her sister Relief here — Tea etc. I am much employed in Chambers Cyclop. and Scotts supplement. At Eve Eli Brigham is come from Dartmouth College, and [illegible] relates somewhat of the Troubles in the West and North — but that he thinks the College will not break up. Mr. Moses Brigham has got another Adjutant.
July 30, 1777
1777 July 30 (Wednesday). A Still from a Lambs Entrals, for Hannah brought from Mrs. (Jeduthun) Fay.
July 31, 1777
1777 July 31 (Thursday). Capt. Morse’s Wife made us a Visit. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard acquaints me with the Death of one of Mr. Parkers Children, and to go to the Burial tomorrow.