February 1, 1777

1777 February 1 (Saturday).  Mr. Quincys Letter of the 17th ult. came to hand.  Mrs. Spring is with us — came yesterday  p.m. and lodges here.  My Son Baldwin having collected a sufficient Number of Artificers, Tools and Materials for the Service of the Army in the Northern Department is now by Letter from General Schyler [sic] at Albany hastening back — was here p.m. but, after refreshing, leaves us.  N.B. Mr. Stones Letter to change tomorrow came too late.

February 2, 1777

1777 February 2 (Sunday).  Being next to treat of the Seventh Article as a sign of Sincerity, viz. Growth in Grace, and being able to compose but a little upon it, I improved my former Preparations on 3 Pet. 3.18 and continued them p.m.  Mrs. Beeton dined with us.  Breck and Suse with us at Eve, attend at our Repetition.  N.B. Mrs. Spring went from us in the Morn.

February 4, 1777

1777 February 4 (Tuesday).  Marble — Elias sleds.  I went to Dr. Hawes to reckon etc. but he was not at home.  Mr. Emmerson Foster, preacher from Marlborough, came with a Letter from the Church of Marlborough signed by Mr. Smith, to desire me to assist in a Fast there next week.  He dines here.  P.M. he goes to Northborough.  My son Samuel and his Wife came to see us.

February 5, 1777

1777 February 5 (Wednesday).  Our Expectations of Mr. Cushing’s coming utterly fail.  It is Rainy, and the Snow is washed away.  Sam and Sally disappointed of their intended Ride to Ashburnham — p.m. cleared so that I visited Nehemiah Maynards Wife’s Child which is very bad.  Prayed there.  Visit Squire Whipple also, he being very ill — prayed with him.  In returning I called at squire Bakers.  N.B. Monsieur Pierre Robishow there.

February 7, 1777

1777 February 7 (Friday).  Samuel has Mr. Paul Lambson to put a Shooe upon his Sleigh: and I improve him to put another New Side to my Sled.  Mr. Lambson dines here.  I attended the Funeral of the Child aforesaid.  At Eve Dr. Hawes came and reckoned with me.  In his account he generously gave in his Visits.  He paid me the Remainder of the Rate of my Sallery for the last year issuing on June 5 old style.  It was £, including my Debt to Mr. Edwards Whipple of 2 Dollars and 1/2 and l/ – 1d 1/.  The rest of Mr. Whipples Rate was further subtracted Out of the above sum I paid the Doctors Bill, which was (in L.M.) £  The Cash I received was the sum of L.M. £  And I gave him a Receipt in full.

February 8, 1777

1777 February 8 (Saturday).  My son Samuel and his Wife, though it was cloudy and began to rain, yet having waited long for fit weather, Sat out for ConcordBreck waits upon Sally with Mr. Newtons Chaise, Sam puts his Mare into his Sleigh-Thills, and drives her before him, he running on foot, hoping that from the 26th Milestone in Marlborough they Shall have snow.  Marble goes home.

February 9, 1777

1777 February 9 (Sunday).  I had prepared a paper, being an Exemplification of a Souls self-Examination of Growth in Grace, and though there is enough of it for a Sermon, and I designed to deliver it after a third Exercise on 2 Pet. 3.18 (two had been delivered last Lord’s Day).  But I found it best to go on with what I composed some time agoe upon that Subject, though it took up both a. and p.m.  And deferred the Soliloquy.  Marble dined here.  At Eve Breck and Suse came to our Family ExerciseBreck again with me about joining to the Church.

February 10, 1777

1777 February 10 (Monday).  A.M. was at the Funeral of Mr. Jonathan Grouts young infant.  Visit Capt. Jonathan Fay who has the Asthma and bad Cough.  I visited also Mr. Daniel Nurse, who has the Rheumatism.  Prayed there, his aged Father and his sister attending.  I dined with the younger Family.  P.M. delivered Mr. Benjamin How my Gun to mend the stock.


It is a remarkable Day.  The Town Meet to consider the Courts Act for Regulating the Prices of Things and The Companys Meet to enlist soldiers.  The Committees from 5 Neighbouring Parishes meet to Consult and Advise together upon those difficult matters — But I know not to what purpose as to either of those Affairs.

February 12, 1777

1777 February 12 (Wednesday).  Though it was fair Weather, yet too Cold and rough, for me to venture to go to Marlborough Fast; nor could I have an Horse: The mare (Brecks) of Necessity goes in the Team to sled Wood.  Miss Nabby Woods has worked here; this is now the 3d Day in altering and preparing Elias’s Cloths — goes home this Evening.  Mr. B. Bradshaw and his Brother Parkman came and lodge here.  Capt. Maynard and his wife make us a Visit.

February 14, 1777

1777 February 14 (Friday).  I was in great Expectation of Wood-Cutters and Sledders, but none came a.m. but p.m. Deacon Wood and Squire Baker Sent, the former one Team, the other sent two large Teams, to the Ministerial Lott.  Each of them brought one Load.  One of the Squires Teams brought a very large one.  I believe that the Squire also carryed the Men Rum.  The Hands went to Supper here.  They were Samuel Williams, one Flynt, and William McCullochPhinehas Hardy being occasionally with us, tells us his Sister Lydia is thought to have the Small pox.  N.B. My Kinsman Alexander Oliver here in a Journey from Boston to Brookfield and lodges here.  Informs me that Miss [Pashy or Patty?] Pidgeon (as She was called) lay dead at Newtown, as he came along.

February 15, 1777

1777 February 15 (Saturday).  Mr. Oliver leaves us to return home.  N.B. Miss Lydia Hardy is broke out with the Small Pox, having, as ‘tis supposed, taken the infection from a Soldier as she passed in the high Way.  Two Teams, Six Oxen apiece, drove by Mr. Samuel Williams and [blank] Parker from Squire Baker, go to the ministerial Lott and bring two Load, each of them.

February 18, 1777

1777 February 18 (Tuesday).  Bradshaw goes on his Journey.  I wrote to Miss Nabby Barrett a Critical Remark on the fair Circassian; but did not then send it.  Mr. Thaddeus Waring and Nat. Lambson killed a Pig for me.  Weighed 154.  Read Dr. Witherspoons sermon.  Mr. Benjamin How has mended, and brought home my Gun stock.  A Training for enlisting — but no success.  Not one.

February 19, 1777

1777 February 19 (Wednesday).  Marble Came again in the Morning.  P.M. Mr. May from Woodstock.  My Son Alexander from [Boston?] [illegible] Messrs. Whitney and Bass with their Wives, and Miss Beulah Wood from [illegible] in a sleigh and return home.  Mr. Whitney tells me that Mr. Dickinson, the famous Philadelphia Farmer, has gone over to the Regulars.  Breck returns from Windsor.

February 21, 1777

1777 February 21 (Friday).  Mr. Newton with his Team, and Deacon Wood Sent William Culloch with his Team, but the sled of the latter broke.  Newton with the Addition of the Deacons Team brought two large Loads.  Marble with My Team brought two.  Neighbour Harrington went to the Lot and chopped — but no other Cutters came.  Mr. Moses Nurse went to the Lott with a Team of two Horses and brought one Load.  Mr. May left us a.m.

February 23, 1777

1777 February 23 (Sunday).  A.M. on 1 Joh. 3.21.  But I was not able to prepare for p.m. and therefore preached a Sermon from 1 Tim. 6.2, those words, “Partakers of the Benefit,” but made Addition of 5 Heads of Application.  May God bless my feeble Attempts!  In the Evening Breck and Suse attend our Exercise in the Family and lodge here.  N.B. Breck is with me again to discourse of joining with the Church.

February 24, 1777

1777 February 24 (Monday).  I wanted to Visit Widow Bulah Gale whose Husband Mr. Jacob Gale dyed lately at Ticonderoga; also her mother in Law mourning for the Loss of her only remaining son; and her D[illegible] of her late only Brother; but a great snow storm confines me all Day.  I particularly thank God for my many Comforts: and pray for divine pity to all that are in want, and that are now exposed.

February 26, 1777

1777 February 26 (Wednesday).  Many Companys that rode out in double Sleighs are detained by the deep Snow, and can’t without difficulty get back again, particularly Mr. David Maynard junior with his Wife and Child, from Westminster are blocked up, and kept from home.  Mr. Perry of their Company confined also.  N.B. Mr. Constantine Hardy breaks out with the small pox.

February 28, 1777

1777 February 28 (Friday).  Read Dr. South on 1 Joh. 3.21.  It is a rugged, uncomfortable season, but through the great Goodness of God I have Health and ability to follow my studys.  Omitted, that Yesterday old Mr. Biglow was here again about joining to the Church, and brought a Relation.  But I urge him still to go and be reconciled to his Wife, or use means to effect it.  My Son Ebenezer came and his Son Edward from New Braintry.