January 1, 1777

1777 January 1 (Wednesday).  I have now fresh Occasion, O that I might have an Heart to praise the Lord for His Goodness, and for His wonderful Works, in particular in sustaining and Supporting me through the many Vicisssitudes of another Year, and granting me the Beginning of this, which I am allowed to behold the Light of.  Bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not His Benefits!  I employed myself much in Reviews of the year past — renewed my Covenant Engagements to God Great God.  And O that I might have Grace to fulfill them accordingly!  I desire to Committ to God the Changes and Accidents of this Year; and the more peculiar the Dark Aspects, by the holy Judgments of God upon us, the more devoutly and penitently would implore the divine Pity and Compassion and that the whole Land may be prepared for the Great Events of this Year!


Mr. Belknap and Miss Elizabeth Beals dined here.  P.M. Mr. Edwards Whipple came about my Debt to him for Indian Corn nigh a year ago.  It was 4 1/2 Bushels at half a Dollar.  N.B. Mr. Whipple, in speaking of the public state, condemns all that is doing — calls it Rebellion against lawful Authority — that we cannot prosper — but shall be overthrown.  Deacon Wood and his son John here at Evening.  The latter has come from New York and the Jersies, and gives me Account of the state of the Armies, and sundry Engagements there: and upon the whole that the Kings Forces are much too successful in those parts; and that the [Liberty?] Army is but illy provided for.

January 5, 1777

1777 January 5 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on 1 Chron. 29.15.  Its being the First Sabbath of the New Year.  Messrs. Hall and Stone dined here, as did Mrs. Ruth Godfry.  At Noon Deacon Wood delivered me a paper containing an Account of a Battle at Trenton (New Jersey) Dec. 16 last, by General Washington with 300, and General Howe’s Forces, of 1600.  The latter were routed.  Preached p.m. on 1 Joh. 3.21.

January 8, 1777

1777 January 8 (Wednesday).  Visited Mr. Reuben Bellows under his Lameness, his Well Leg heretofore now broke by a Fall and prayed with him.  Called to see young Estis also.  Brought up Mrs. Godfry to our House to assist Mrs. P________ in preparing for the morrow.  P.M. I attended the funeral of Mr. Nehemiah Maynards Child which dyed of Canker Quinzy, in its 3d year.  The name Elizabeth.  At Evening Breck becomes very ill and goes to Bed.

January 9, 1777

1777 January 9 (Thursday).  None of my Children from New Braintry, etc. are come though Sent to.  Messrs. Hall, Stone, and Crosby come a.m.  They, with my Daughters accompany Breck (who is better) to Col. Brighams.  I went with them.  Mr. Whitney of Northborough there ready.  We dined sumptuously.  P.M. Mr. Whitney prayed and administered the marriage Covenant to Breck and Suse.  I prayed after.  My son Alexander Came from Leicester and attended the Solemnity.  In closing the solemnity the Bridegroom, Bride, Mr. Whitney, the young Gentlemen, Winslow Brigham, Edward (son of Captain Jonas), two or three young women came to my House, where we supped.  Mr. Whitney returned home.  And part of the Company did so.  Alexander, Messrs. Hall and Stone tarried.  May God grant His special Blessing!  Pardoning all amiss and grant the Joy may never Cease!  O that we may all be espoused to Jesus Christ!

January 12, 1777

1777 January 12 (Sunday).  Preached again on 1 Joh. 3.21, which I pray may be profitable to us!  Messrs. Hall, Stone and Crosby, also Miss Molly Pratt and [blank] Brigham (from Coll. Brighams) dined here.  P.M. with Some regard to my son Breck’s new Circumstances I preached on Prov. 2.1 to 5.  Admitted Elizabeth Harrington and baptized two Children.  May God graciously accept and bless what has been done!

January 14, 1777

1777 January 14 (Tuesday).  I went over to see old Mrs. Kelly.  In my way called in to Mr. Hannaniah Parker.  When I returned expected to see Deacon Wood and Mr. Nathan Maynard junior who had been killing two large swine for me, but the Deacon was gone home, and Joseph Culloch, who came with him, and assisted — but Maynard stays and dines here.  P.M. Mr. Stone of Southborough Visits me.  And at Eve came Mr. Thomas Kendal from Ticonderoga, and lodges here.  At Eve also Joseph Culloch and his Brother James came and weighed, cut out and salted up my Pork.  One weighed 274, the other 259.  N.B. Breck keeps House.

January 15, 1777

1777 January 15 (Wednesday).  Messrs. Nathan Maynard junior and Nathaniel Chamberlin went to the ministerial Lot and cutt wood for me.  Elias went with 3 Cattle (as men speak) and sledded home two load.  Mr. Kendal has given me Account of his Endeavours to obtain Ordination but was frustrated in his whole Attempt.  I dealt plainly with him, and I hope he received it well.  May God Sett it home on his Heart!  N.B. I payd him 7 Dollars for a Gun, Cartooch Box and Ammunition.  He dined and p.m. left us to go to Framingham.  Mrs. Hawes and her sister Hill made us a Visit, and drank Tea here.

January 19, 1777

1777 January 19 (Sunday).  Preached on the same Subject of Self Judging, The 4th Article, of Love of the World.  Used for the Text Ps. [27.6?] last Clauses of it.  P.M. delivered the latter Sermon on Prov. 2.1-5 [torn] [reading?] verses to the 9th.  May the divine Energy accompany it [torn].  N.B. At dinner, besides our own Family, and [torn] Suse and Billy Spring, had Winslow and Mindwell Brigham, Miss [May? illegible]; also Master Hall and Dr. Crosbys Wife.  Sixteen in all.

January 23, 1777

1777 January 23 (Thursday).  Are in some Perplexity; being not able to get Supply of Wood or Meal.  It is a dry, cold, freezing season; the Roads Icy, Slippery, yet much bare ground; and poor sledding: In the woods the snow is too deep for a Cart.  And as to Grinding, the mills of this and the next neighboring Towns fail very much.  Some go to Sawyer Mill at Lancaster.  At Eve came Son Ebenezer from New Braintree, and lodges here.  N.B. Capt. (I hear he is now Major) Silas Bailey, came in to bring me a proclamation for a Fast.  In his talk inveighs against the Ministers of the Association who Aug. 20, 1771, declared against the Bolton people’s irregular proceedings with Mr. Goss.  N.B. Deacon Wood was present and heard him.

January 29, 1777

1777 January 29 (Wednesday).  Fast [torn]out New-England, on account of the War.  I preached [torn] this Occasion from Zeph. 1.12. but p.m. was obliged to deliver [with some alterations?] sermon on Ps. 81.11 to 15.  May God accept our supplications, forgive our Sins and bless the word to us all!  Breck and Suse with us at Supper.  At Eve Ebenezer came from Watertown, having been to Boston.  He lodges here.