July 21, 1776

1776 July 21 (Sunday).  I preached a. and p.m. on Exod. 33.15, with Additions and Alterations.  N.B. p.m. Major Wheelock and Lieutenant Godfry ask Publick Prayers in their own Name and of the rest of the soldiers going to N. York.  They Sat together.  I directed an Address to them in the latter part of my p.m. sermon.  To receive they rose from their seats.  N.B. At the Request of Capt. Morse and Lt. Townsend I read (after reading the proclamation for a Fast) Resolve of Court for raising more men, who are to go to Canada: and warned the People to meet tomorrow at 3 p.m.  May God graciously accept what has been this day attempted!  Especially with respect to the soldiers!