December 21, 1773

1773 December 21 (Tuesday).  Jonathan Maynard goes to his Aunts Funeral, viz. Mrs. Abihail’s, the Wife of his uncle Jotham, a woman for whom I had great Regard; She was Daughter of Mr. Ephraim Allen, and was our Maid for Sometime; She bore me and mine much respect, and ever glad to entertain us.  She dyed of a Consumption last Saturday.  As She was a serious, religious Woman, I hope she is gone to eternal Rest and Glory.  O that I might be ready to follow!  Mr. Isaac Johnson of Southborough came with a Message from Mr. Stone requesting me to assist in a Fast tomorrow at the House of Mr. Jacob Gibs on the South of Southborough on Occasion of a great Mortality by the Throat Distemper.  The Said Gibs having buryed four of his Children within a little while; a fifth ill and like to die.  Sundry others of that Neighbourhood have also lost Children and the Distemper more than ordinarily Mortal.  May the Lord Sanctifie this awful Visitation — Stay His Hand and in the middst of wrath remember Mercy!  O that God would please to direct and assist me and others in the Solemn Work before us!