May 26, 1773

1773 May 26 (Wednesday).  Attended the Election Sermon preached by Mr. Charles Turner of Duxbury[1] from Rom. 13.4.  “For he is the Minister of God to thee for Good” — a Sermon much applauded by all who were for Liberty.  I dined in Concert Hall, not knowing that the Commissioners were there.  After Dinner I went to Mr. Surcombs, who is his Chaise waited on me to the School House where the Convention usually (of late years) Met.  But not discerning any Body nigh, thought they did not meet, I passed away, concluding there was and would be, none: For which Reason I did not Attend with them.  At Mr. Shaws at Evening — Supped there.  Visit Mr. Quincy.  Several of my Children there also, viz. Mr. Forbes and his Wife, Mr. Moore (my Daughter Baldwin was at Mr. Bailys), besides Samuel and his Sally.  It was dark and rainy returning to our Lodging.

[1]Charles Turner (1732-1813), A Sermon Preached before His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; Governor: The Honorable His Majesty’s Council, and the Honorable House of Representatives, of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, May 26th, 1773.  Being the Anniversary of the Election of His Majesty’s Council for Said Province (Boston, 1773).  Evans 13,053.