May 9, 1773

1773 May 9 (Sunday).  The Meeting House very open and broken: the Floors much disordered — neither mens nor womens Seats Standing: but have reason to fear our own Hearts much more unfit for divine Worship.  The Lord set us to rights by His almighty Grace and Spirit!  Read Hos. 10.  Preached on Prov. 27, adding to what I formerly delivered on that Subject, and especially on Account of John Arnold and his Sudden Death.  N.B. several young Men, Some of them members of the Society to which he belonged, desired this Death may be Sanctifyed to them.  Mr. Barrett of Hopkinton came to Meeting here, and din’d with us; Mr. Fitch being absent.  P.M. Read 3d Epistle of John.  Went on (in preaching) with the Discourse on 2 Pet. 3.11, but could not deliver all.  The Lord grant us a Spirit of true Seriousness, that we may be Savingly profited by the Word and Providences of God!