1772 February 22 (Monday). The Vendue of the additional Pews. Breck buys one, viz. a floor pew including part of 3 hindmost of the mens Seats, and next the great Isle, for 90£ old Tenor. Capt. Benjamin Fay the Opposite, which costs him 113£. N.B. Capt. Jonas Brigham is in great Displeasure at Breck buying that pew, which must not only join to but take in some part of his present pew. Complains that he is wronged, because when the Towns committee brought in their Judgment concerning the Space which is taken out of Capt. Brighams Pew to make another pew before it (and their judgment was that the Town Should pay him 3 Dollars for that Room, or if he chose the Pew which would be built before it, then he should Pay 3 Dollars), he complyed with this last, and offered his 3 Dollars yet the Town would not accept the Committees Report, but Sold the pew he wanted. At Eve I understood that all the Pews are sold.