1773 February 11 (Thursday). Having writ a Letter to Capt. Silas Bailey and Mr. Longley of Bolton, in vindication of the Association etc. Sent it to Mr. Stone that he might See it, because it was of common Concernment to the Ministers. At Eve received a Letter from him of Approbation and Concurrence in it. But having heard of proposals etc. and of a Meeting they were to have for a Tryal to accommodate, I wrote another Letter to those Gentlemen which might Supersede that first Letter, and would Send it as Soon as may be. My dear son Samuel, I suppose, is marryed this Eve to Miss Sally Shaw, at Boston. Though I have not thought it best to attend the Solemnity, yet do Seriously committ the important Affair to God and earnestly pray He may be graciously among them, Sanctify them, Pardon them, and make them great Blessings mutually! O may they be Espoused to Christ as to one Husband, and live together, as Heirs together of the Grace of Life! May divine Blessings be on the Family with which my Son is connected, and the whole Company that may be together in that Celebration of those Nuptials!