1773 February 19 (Friday). Jonathan Maynard (Son of Mr. Ebenezer Maynard) was here and is willing to live with me Six Months for 80£ old Tenor — 8 Months for 95£ of like money — 12 Months for 50 Dollars — but expects to have his Mending, and liberty to go to Lecture without making up the time; also to have my Horse, if he wants to ride a mile or two in an Evening a few times. N.B. I had Sent by Mr. Daniel Willard to Joshua Willard of Grafton; and therefore can’t Settle the Agreement till I hear from and have done with him. Jonathan engages not to let himself to any body else, till he hears from me. Hear that Mr. James Wilson of Hopkinton lately dyed suddenly.[1] O that I might be always ready for my own Decease!
[1]Not in Hopkinton Vital Records.