July 9, 1771

1771 July 9 (Tuesday).  A Mr. Wheelock I hear, buys the Woodland back of my [Barn?] of old Lt. Forbush for 100£ old Tenor.  Mrs. P________ goes to Capt. Maynards.  Sisters Cushing and Sumner visit here.  They Soon return as far as Capt. Maynards.  Mr. Nurse assists Mr. Jonas Bradish in Removing to [blank].  A Number of Gentlemen are prizing the younger Widow Williams Place.  Attended the Funeral of Mrs. Snow (wife of Ensign Jabez), aged 56 last [blank].  I rode with Deacon Wood.  N.B. He Speaks to me about Mrs. Eunice Rice.  At Night Levi Brigham junior and Tabitha Hardy were marryed.