1770 June 30 (Saturday). I wanted to have gone to Ashby this morning but have not any body to preach for me. I have writ by my son to Mr. Steward and Mr. Marrett at Cambridge but in Vain — they are gone to the Eastward. But my son tells me he has engaged Mr. Morton, lately of Blanford, to Come. So that I am made to expect him. However I expect in Vain still for he came [sic]. Which I am very sorry for and it is a great Disappointment, as I have not been there so long, and have writ to them of my endeavouring to go, as I hoped, at this time. But I yield to the Providence of God. My Son sat out for home, and having promised to pay Money when he returns, but he being disappointed of what he hoped for at Watertown I let him have a Guinea.