1770 June 10 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 19. Gave a Somewhat large and mostly written Exposition [illegible] collected from Various Authors. Preached on Cant. 5.10. Under the Head of R [illegible] made use of Some part of sermon on Isa. 9.6 [illegible] the Death of Christ, with proper [illegible]. Miss Mary Steward, Mrs. Fessenden, Mrs. Maynard, Ruth Bellows, a young man Samuel Haven, and Joseph’s Sister Hannah, dined here. We have very Sorrowfull News, of the grievous Fall and Elopement of Mrs. Eunice Rice (Wife of Joseph Rice): and we have an Account of the much to be lamented Death of Mrs. Martha Green (heretofore our dear Patty Clark), the wife of Dr. Peter Green, of Harvard, in Child bearing. P.M. read Gal. 6. Preached on [Cant.?] 5.10 and 16, finishing that delightful Subject. May Gods word quicken and [enflame?] us! Appointed a Catechetical Exercise again. Mr. Adonijah Rices Wife at our House indisposed. Joseph [Ward?] with my Horse waits on her home.