November 4, 1764

1764 November 4 (Sunday).  Read Prov. 24 and Mat. 27 from v. 35 to the End.  Preached a.m. on 2 Pet. 3.9 to page [blank] and this was that I might have the greater Liberty for what I had to deliver and might deliver all I had prepared, on that occasion.  P.M. on Deut. II.7, it being the last Sabbath of the 40th Year since I was ordained.  Mrs. Maynard dined here.

November 7, 1764

1764 November 7 (Wednesday).  Deacon Kimbal in the Cellar, and Neighbour Richard Barns tends upon him.  I Paid off Mr. Wheelock — and bought a side of Seal Leather, weighed 16 1/2 lbs., of Lt. Baker.  Mr. Artemas Bruce brings 10 Bush. of Turnips and a Load of Corn from the old place.  Mr. James Lock senior here.  I payd him 30/ for Mr. Jonathan Wallis of Townshend for recording 6 Plans.

November 8, 1764

1764 November 8 (Thursday).  This is a Day to be well observed.  Tis now 40 Years Since the Gathering of this Church, and my own Solemn Ordination to the Pastoral Office in this Place.  The Lords name be praised for His amazing Patience and Longsuffering.  At the Same Time I desire to be deeply humbled for my unprofitableness and unfruitfulness.  O that the Lord would free Pardon me, for His Mercy’s Sake!  Mr. Seth Morse’s Daughter, Elizabeth, Sick — am Sent for.  I went, prayed — had his Horse and visited Mr. Kendal who had lately a bad fall from the Poles above, down upon the Barn Floor.  Prayed there.  Mr. Davis of Holden here.  N.B. Enoch Rice went with my two Yoke of Oxen to the ministerial Lot for Posts, but came home wholly empty.  Mr. Maynard had cleared the Wood of Posts: whether he had carryed away more than his own I cannot positively tell.  Deacon Kimbal left us.  He charges 3£ for this last work.  The whole is 8£ old Tenor.

November 9, 1764

1764 November 9 (Friday).  Mr. Morse’s Child dyed last Night — the other is Sick.  My largest Oxen I have sent to My Son Ebenezer and to my Son in Law Baldwin, to be between them.  Mr. Nurse wants to borrow 4 Bushel of Rye, to sow.  Nathan has got out two Bush.  He and Mr. Gamel, now thrash and clean out the rest.  At Eve Mr. Nurse and Nathan come and Make a Bin in my Cellar, and carry down Turnips etc.  N.B. Capt. Jonathan Fay brought 4 Barrells of Cyder.  One is a present — the other 3 I pay him 3 Dollars for, by a note to the Collector, Mr. Gale.

November 11, 1764

1764 November 11 (Sunday).  Read Prov. 25 and Mat. 28.  Preached a.m. on Ps. 75.10.11.  This being the first Sabbath of the 41st Year with us of this Flock.  Master Cushing dined here.  By Reason of my Preparation for the Installment next week I could not prepare another Sermon for p.m. but with Some Alterations formed an Exercise from another part of the Discourses on 2 Pet. 7.9, viz. from page 17 to 22.  Which may God bless to our great Quickening that his Goodness and Forbearance may lead us to Repentance.  Read the Proclamation for Thanksgiving and the Church dismissed Mr. Bowman and recommended him to Oxford.

November 13, 1764

1764 November 13 (Tuesday).  Uncertain whether Mr. Martyn would come this way and understanding that Mrs. Hardy grew much worse, I thought it my Duty to Set out so much the Sooner as to visit her.  I did so and prayed with her.  She was very weak and low, but her Faith strong and her hope firm.  She Said I had been her Father this forty Year.  Mr. Forbush and afterwards Squire Whipple came there.  Deacon Paul Newton also came, from Mr. Martyn, who was on the Road to call us.  N.B. Sarah has my mare (as I ride Mr. Morse’s) and with my Consent to gratifie Lt. Baker put her into his Chaise, and take up Miss Molly.  They come to me at Mr. Hutchinsons in Grafton, where we dine.  The rest of the Company I overtake at Capt. Lelands.  We call at Mr. Halls.  N.B. I received a Bundle of Papers of him relative to the Davidson Case.  We arrive at Squire Davis’s.  Rev. Goss with us — and lodge there.

November 14, 1764

1764 November 14 (Wednesday).  We repair to Deacon Davis’s, where the Pastors and Delegates are formed into a Council.  I was chose Moderator and prayed.  Mr. Maccarty Scribe.  N.B. The Church drop the Davidson Affair.  Mr. Bowman was admitted a member of the Church.  The solemnity (of the Installment of Mr. Bowman) at the Meeting House was opened by Mr. Forbes of Brookfield.  I preached on Jer. 3.15.  Mr. Martyn gave the Charge.  Mr. Gleason prayed after it.  Mr. Maccarty the Right Hand.  Rev. Bowman appointed Ps. 119, latter part, and gave the Blessing.  I visited old Mrs. Campbel and Capt. Griffin.  Plentifully entertained at Deacon Davis’s.  In the Eve at the fine singing at Capt. Moores.  Lodged at Deacon Davis’s.

November 15, 1764

1764 November 15 (Thursday).  Waited long for my Daughter and Miss Molly Baker, who have kept at Capt. Moores, where Mr. Bowman lodges.  Have opportunity of conversing with my son Ebenezer, who came, a Delegate with Mr. Forbes.  Mr. Martyn returns by Worcester.  Squire Whipple accompanys us from Squire Davis’s.  When we came to Sutton there was an Exercise at the Meeting House.  Squire and I attended — the Girls tarryed at Mr. Halls.  Mr. Emmerson of Mendon preached — Text Ezek. 36.9.  We dined at Mr. Halls.  He gives us Account that Yesterday there was great Difficulty at Sutton North End, when they attempted to ordain (one) Mr. Chaplin there: and that it was not accomplished till it was done by Candle Light and by but Three Ministers — Mr. Hall, Mr. Webb and Mr. Frost.  For Mr. Stone of Southborough and his Delegates refused to act.  A great Obstruction was, a Strange Plan of Church Government.  Squire Whipple and I made a Visit to his aged Uncle, Deacon Whipple, and Aunt.  Called, but lit not at Mr. Hutchinsons.  N.B. Great Disturbances and Animositys in Grafton.  I stopped at Lt. Bakers at Eve to Warm etc.  Drank Tea there.  Lieutenant brought Sarah home, and then took the Mare to keep.  We have the sorrowful News of the Death of Mrs. Prudence Hardy, about 56 years old.  A sorrowful Stroke!  The Lord sanctify it to us!  Especially to her Husband and Children.  And Aged Mother Byles.  N.B. Another Letter from Father Wigglesworth relative to Mr. Cleavelands Church.  Levi Rice helped John cart out our Muck.  Mrs. Johnson at work here for William.

November 22, 1764

1764 November 22 (Thursday).  Mr. Martyn and his Wife, Mr. Maccarty and Mr. Bowman dined with me.  Mr. Maccarty came to preach my Lecture yet very few of the people attended.  He preached a good Sermon on Gal. 6.14.  Mr. Bowman and Master Cushing here after Lecture and the latter at Evening.  I would fain urge him to set up a Singing School in this Parish.  I was at Mr. Bonds.  Visit old Capt. Forb.  Mr. Barns moves out of Rolfs House.

November 25, 1764

1764 November 25 (Sunday).  Very Cold; omitted the Public Reading by reason of the extreme Weather and what we had to do to Day.  Preached a.m. on Ps. 116.14.  Administered the Lords Supper.  Deacon Tainter, Master Cushing and Mrs. Maynard dined here.  P.M. preached on Mat. 26.48 and read v. 9.  I acquainted the Church with the Request of Simon Newton and his wife (Bridget) to have two of their Children baptized, of their having owned the Covenant, one in Bedford, and he had been for his Certificat, but was disappointed by Reason of the Ministers being from home; but that he designed to obtain it as Soon as he could.  The Other had owned the Covenant at Southborough.  They both had enjoyed privilege at each place abovesaid.  That they had neglected their Duty of a long time, through various Accidents but were sorry for it — and prayed the ordinance might be administered, if not on his, yet on her Account.  I proposed it; and no objection being made, I baptized ‘em.

November 28, 1764

1764 November 28 (Wednesday).  Rev. Hawley of Mashpee has Sent me two Maps of N.E. Branch of Susquehanah River and of the Town Onchaquagua.  Received two extraordinary large Dunghil Fowls from Mr. Samuel Allen.  Received also from Boston, my Brother Samuels Account of his Daughter Loyds being favoured with a Child whom they have called Dorcas Bowes.  N.B. Many kind presents were brought us by our Neighbours.

November 30, 1764

1764 November 30 (Friday).  Am now confined at home (by a snow storm) when I Should have gone to Capt. Maynards, who by so strangely delaying to pay me, greatly perplexes me.  I read an excellent sermon of Mr. Wigglesworth of Ipswich on the Death of the late venerable Mr. John Rogers, on 2 Cor. 4.7.  Breck works for me a.m.  He and John Thrash Oates.  P.M. Breck goes to his work at Capt. Maynards and I Send by him to desire Captain to come here before tomorrow noon.  Towards Eve Billy returns from Medfield.  In the Eve he setts some Glass where windows had been broke.