June 1, 1760

1760 June 1 (Sunday).  In the Morning was greatly Surprized with the Trucks drove about the Streets.  I found it was by Authority to carry Stores to load the Transports going to Quebec.  In the forenoon preached for Mr. Byles on Gal. 1.15.16, former part of each, and I attended the Communion there.  Dined at Mr. William Winters.  Preached for Mr. Eliot p.m. on Heb. 11.16.  Supped at Mr. Eliots.  Lodged at Brother Samuels (where lodges also Deacon Sayword of York.  A man of Sense, Piety and Worth, as well as Wealth).

June 2, 1760

1760 June 2 (Monday).  I attended the Artillery Election Sermon (which I have not had Opportunity to do for upwards of 20 Years).  Mr. Sherman of Woburn preached on Ps. 149.6.  I din’d at Capt. Storers: where also dined Coll. Serjeant and Rev. Messrs. Smith of Falmouth, Mr. Prentice of Charlestown, and Mr. Robie of Lyn.  P.M. Mr. Procter went with me to visit Master Holbrook and his wife (who was Bekky Burroughs) but it was in Vain; they were out of Town.  N.B. Mr. Ellis Wilson, Brazier (who was one of those who went to the North Latin School when I did ), though he was well and walking about last Saturday, dyed this Morning.  May God affect me with it!  At Night Visit Mr. J. Breck.  Was also at Brother Williams and lodged there.

June 3, 1760

1760 June 3 (Tuesday).  Governor Pownall takes leave, and embarks.  I was in Kings Street at the Time of it and Saw the procession — but no Ministers were in it.  I dined at Dr. Wheats where was my Daughter Baldwin.  At Mr. Johonnots; and was treated very Courteously.  Also at Dr. Mayhews, but Dr. Chauncy was there and rendered the visit very uncomfortable by his Coarseness and unhandsome Conduct.  I Attempted another Visit at Coll. Handfields, but they were not at Home.  I lodged at my Kinsman Winters, there being Much Company at Brother Samuels, and I chose stillness.

June 4, 1760

1760 June 4 (Wednesday).  Break fast and pray at Mr. William Winters (at their repeated Request and Invitation).  Mr. Maccarty there also.  Having dispatched what Bus’ness I could and visited my Friends and Relatives as I had Time (particularly this forenoon visited my poor Kinswoman Hearsy in her dolefull Captivity with Such an Husband), I dined at Mr. Byles’s — who with his Children entertained me with much Respect.  I took Leave of Lucy at Dr. Wheats and rode to Watertown just before night.  Lodged at Brother Harringtons.  N.B. His Daughter Patty lately marryed.

June 5, 1760

1760 June 5 (Thursday).  A rainy Day, yet I ventured to ride home.  Mr. Wellman my Company.  We dined at Coll. Buckminsters.  N.B. My Friend Mrs. Dench there.  Mr. Morse, who had been to see his Brother (who was lately come from Europe, and in a Consumption) dined with us and accompanyed us above Mr. Stones.  I found my Family in Peace and safety.  Blessed be God for it!  And for all His Mercies!

June 7, 1760

1760 June 7 (Saturday).  I am closely engaged in my studys.  Alex and Breck are at the Field, ploughing and hoeing and have been several Days this Week.  N.B. On the 28th of last month David White worked half a Day.  On the 2d of this Thomas Twitchell worked at the Island setting up Fence against Capt. Maynards Meadow.  On the 3d Thomas and Moses Twitchell worked at making stone Wall on the Hill back of the Orchard.

June 8, 1760

1760 June 8 (Sunday).  I read Job 22 and 1 Cor. 7.  Preached on Ps. 77.20 a.m.  Repeated with alterations and additions Sermon on 2 Cor. 3.14.  Mr. Fessenden and Mrs. Chase dined here.  I did not proceed to her admission because She had not prepared for it, not apprehending this was, according to Custom, the Day for it.

June 9, 1760

1760 June 9 (Monday).  I rode to Monsieur LeBlanc’s — dined at Mr. Tainters.  Had his Mare to plough and Deacon had my mare to Sutton.  Wrote to my son Ebenezer per Mr. Zebulun Rice’s Wife.  N.B. Mr. Fessenden hard put to’t to get a place to keep School and to Board at, on this Side the Town.  He rides over to the North End, and agrees to keep School at the School House there and to board at Mr. Martyns.  He returns and lodges here.

June 10, 1760

1760 June 10 (Tuesday).  Mr. Fessenden leaves us and goes to the North End.  A.M. The Boys finish Weeding at the Island.  They plough the Orchard p.m.  Young Mr. Dor here and dines with us.  Mrs. Chase here.  I wrote from her mouth Something to be read to the Church at her Admission.  Mr. Ebenezer Rice at Eve.  Gives me further Account of the Conduct of Neighbour Barny Newton in trading for the Scrap of Land before my Door.

June 12, 1760

1760 June 12 (Thursday).  Mr. Ebenezer Rice having told me last Evening that Neighbour Barny Newton seemed (as he thought) to incline to let me have the forementioned piece of land (for Rice had writ to him, of my Saying I had bespoke it, and challenged the Refusal of it, which he could not deny; and therefore would induce Newton to yield it up to me), I therefore went up to Barney to know his Mind but found him utterly inflexible.  I told him that Since I had done every thing that was in my power fairly to obtain it; by bespeaking it of Rice, who promised me (to my best remembrance) the Refusal of it and by ingenuously asking him (Said Newton) but a little while agoe, whether he was willing I Should buy it of Rice, to which he consented without any word to the Contrary, then for him to go Secretly and without any Mention of me, and desire Rice to Sell it to him, was an unhandsome, Underhand Trading which he could not Vindicate; nor would he be willing any Man Should Serve him so; nay it carryed in it injustice (taking advantage of Mr. Rice’s Infirmity in forgetting that he had promised the Land to me), and I added I did not know how he could reasonably expect a Blessing upon it.  But he remained unmoved by all I could say to him.  I let him know further that it was wrong to induce Rice to give him a Deed of as much again Land as it could be thought he had there; and by those means Strive to extend and stretch his Bounds into the public Road, as I perceived they had made Bounds actually in the high way, if the high way were (as doubtless it is) 4 Rods Wide.  But he said he should Set up his Fence, a Wall, where his Deed had given him — that is, to those Bounds.  I went over to my other House, Mr. Ebenezer Rice, his Wife and Family now going off in order to their Voiage to Annapolis.  Took Solemn Leave and renewed my Charge and Counsel to them both.  N.B. he greatly wondered at Barny Newton that he would be so unmanly as to hold the Scrap of Land — which he Said he was convinced he had given me the promise of: and As to the Quantity he said he had told Newton and the Squire, who wrote the Deed, that he was Sure there was no Such Quantity there: that as they must call it something he let it go So, because of the words, “be the same more or less,” for the Squire said, it could do no harm to call it So.  Whereas (as I told Mr. Rice) it would be likely to do this Harm, that it would be apt to make Newton Strain hard to get as near to that Quantity as he could and might induce him to Strain out further than he Should do; as there was reason to fear he had done already.  And Rice Answered that he feared it was so.  Mrs. Rice (and I Suppose the two little Girls) rode in my Chair.  Mr. Parker drove — to go to Sudbury.  P.M. I attended and Solemnized the Marriage of Mr. William Crosman of Hopkinton to Miss Susanna Newton, at Capt. Woods, his Wife having brought her up.  I returned home sometime before Sun set.

June 14, 1760

1760 June 14 (Saturday).  David White works for me in hoing and replanting with Beans part of the Island Field.  P.M. came my Kinsman Briant and his wife from Stoneham to Visit us.  Mr. Thomas Hardy takes up an Heiffer and her Calf to my son Ebenezer.  The last I give him, the first I lend him for this Year.

June 16, 1760

1760 June 16 (Monday).  Mr. Briant rides to Upton and returns.  Returned with Mr. Parker and I payed him my Ballance, 9/ Old Tenor.  But N.B. he wants my part of the lower south side for Pasture for his sheep — but does not pay me for it.  Reckoned with Neighbour Samuel Williams and pay him to this Day.  N.B. a Letter from Dr. William Walton of Pomfret per Israel Putnam junior about my Small Farm etc. to which I wrote an Answer.  N.B. Old Mrs. How wants Baptism for two of her Grand Children by her son Noah deceased.

June 17, 1760

1760 June 17 (Tuesday).  My Kinsman and his Wife leave us to go as far as their Brother Briants at Sudbury to Day — after which they will (by the Leave of Providence) proceed to Stoneham.  The Company meet for enlistment.  I went to ministers Meeting at Shrewsbury — which was but thin.  Messrs. Barret, Martyn, Stone, Smith and Morse being absent.  But Mr. Loring there.  He wanted Advice concerning his Changing with Mr. Eliab Stone, a Young Gentleman who keeps school in Sudbury and preaches for Mr. Cook — but he has not been examined.  I asked the Associations Advice respecting my baptizing Children on the Right of Foster Parents.  I had reference to Mrs. How who desires privilege for her son Noahs Children.  I also laid before them the Case of Joslin who wants Baptism for John Maynards Child.  They advised me to proceed as to the former — and with the latter when I shall judge I have waited upon the Proper Parents a fit Space.  I lodged at Mr. Cushings with Mr. Loring.  Mr. Maccarty gave a Concio on Jam. 5.19.20.

June 20, 1760

1760 June 20 (Friday).  My wife’s Lameness continues; and I fear increases.  She undergoes much tedious Smart.  At night Mr. Ebenezer Cutler came from Boston and brought the News of my Cousen Bradfords being Safely brought to Bed, and has another Daughter.  He also brought me Dr. Mayhews present of his Two Discourses on the Thanksgiving for the Reduction of Quebeck.

June 25, 1760

1760 June 25 (Wednesday).  Ensign Fay Sent an horse for me to go up again to See his son Jeduthun again.  I went, and prayed with him.  He is somewhat better.  Susanna rode with me to Mr. Martyns Lecture.  I preached on Isa. 12.3.  N.B. dined there and We returned at Eve.  N.B. We are all so rejoiced at the News from Quebeck that I could not but take Notice of it in my Sermon.  It is that our people had made So Successfull a Sally out upon the Enemy as drove them away from their Entrenchments so that the Seige was effect[ual?]ly raised.

June 26, 1760

1760 June 26 (Thursday).  My Colt having Strayed to Marlborough, Send Alexander after him.  P.M. I went to the Widow Forbush’s and marryed her to Mr. Joshua Kendall junior.  But did not tarry to their Entertainment.  I hastened home to wait on Dr. Gott who is carrying his Wife home.  She, her Brother William Wheat, and Miss Katy were here with him.

June 29, 1760

1760 June 29 (Sunday).  Read Job 25 and 26.  Preached on 2 Cor. 3.14, last Clause, repeating with a few Alterations Sermon on that Text.  P.M. read 1 Cor. 10 and preached on Joh. 3.19, the first Sermon on that Text.  N.B. A Lame Man, with but one Legg, one Mr. Moses Copley of Canaan in Connecticut, was at meeting.  I took him home, and he dined with me.