June 16, 1756

1756 June 16 (Wednesday).  Sir Crawford brought us a Letter from Mr. Maccarty, and one that Mr. Maccarty had sent to Coll. Chandler; on which also that Coll. had written his own Recommendation of him to the Gentlemen who were empowered to put in Chaplains in the Army.  In brief, a Certificat was drawn, and I suppose signed, according to Vote, by the Moderator.  I hastened away after Lecture and came to Ensign Harringtons who had Strongly  insisted upon my being there to Day.  It being training Day, and he treats the Company.  I understand also that it is training Day over all the Province, and all men shew Arms.


At Eve I was called to go up to Esq. Bakers, there being an Indian woman there, one Peggy Read from Woodstock, who was grievously exercised with Fitts.  She was in a Fitt while I was there, and divers of the Select Men.  When I had prayed etc., I returned home.