May 26, 1756

1756 May 26 (Wednesday).  Mr. Cooper preached the Election sermon.  I din’d publickly in Faneuel-Hall, with the Lieutenant Governor, Council etc.  P.M. was at Dr. Sewalls with the Ministers at their Convention.  Mr. Wigglesworth of Ipswich was chose Moderator.  This Choice was without any Trouble; but the Choice of a Clark or Scribe was attended with much.  Mr. Pemberton was thought to be chose, but upon Second Trial it appeared otherwise.  Then Dr. Mayhew was nominated by Mr. Williams of Sandwich and though it was Opposed by Some, and Dr. Sewall particularly bore his Testimony against it, yet he was the Man.  I was much Surprized at it, and full of Sorrow, from what I had great reason to Suspect; yet not having read his Book, I could not intelligently Oppose him for the Doctrines contained therein.  After divers Visits I returned to Brother Samuels and lodged there.  N.B. My Horse was put up at Procters.