May 16, 1756

1756 May 16 (Sunday).  Mr. B. rode to Westborough and preached here, on Mat. 16.26 and returned at Evening.  I preached at Hopkinton a.m. on Isa. 26.20.21, p.m. on Heb. 11.16, and in the Evening came home; where I received a Letter from Brother Samuel certifying of the Death of Sister Parkman Friday Morning of an Asthma.  May God teach my Dear Brother Resignation and Obedience by the things which he suffers!  And may we all Learn to die!  To be ever ready!  For her Departure was Somewhat Sudden, and about 2 o’Clock, to their great Surprize, though she had had a fit or two the Evening before; for they both went to Bed and to sleep comfortable.