January 23, 1756

1756 January 23 (Friday).  Another bright Day.  Billy winnows up the remainder of our Small matter of Barley.  It amounts to about 4 Bushels only.  I dare not go out yet.  My Wife somewhat better, yet much pained.  Mr. Forb. dines here.  Capt. Fay tells me he watched at Mr. Chamberlins, and that Nathaniel dyed last Night about 10 o’Clock.  I forward Mr. Forb.’s going to See ‘em since I can’t my self.  P.M. Mrs. Dolly Rice makes us a kind and generous Visit.  She acquaints me further with her domestic Griefs arising from her Husbands Delirium.  May God still support and direct her, and in His own time grant her Relief!  My Daughter Lucy is much disordered with cutaneous Eruptions in her Face, and we conclude She has an Erysipelas, or St. Anthonys Fire.