1756 January 6 (Tuesday). A warm, comfortable Day. Mr. Abijah Gale came to work for me in closing my Kitchin. Mr. Ebenezer Forb. brought an Hog of 211 lb., at 16 d. old Tenor, per pound, which is £14.1.4,which I have bought of him. And my Son Ebenezer brought 2 Quarters of a Cow he had killed, the weight 200, at 13 d. Deacon Jonathan Forb. junior at night brought me in Cash 24£ 17.3 old Tenor to which we added 4£ and 2 d. of Ebenezer Forb. Rates (part of pay for his Hog) which made 28.17.5 and he had brought me as a present from his Father and himself 22 pound weight of the pork which they had killed. May God grant me an Heart to make a right Improvement of his constant and neverfailing Care and Kindness to me and mine!